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Tony 845

It seems most people go through Kundalini

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First then full Enlightenment? The only ones that I've read that jumped right to Enlightenment are Echart, saduru & some French women? That speaks only French. Also why do we need kundalini prior to Enlightenment & some people go right to the whole shabang? & why isnt this talked about all that much???? @Leo Gura

Edited by Tony 845

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Genuine Enlightenment, you won't see that in the mainstream (i speak about dummy plain and simple info on how to do it), ever. Sadhguru by far is the most awakened in the media focus along with Dr. Nun Amen-Ra and a few others. 

There is Egoic Enlightenment, you see that everywhere. Leo, the majority of gurus, many others who are spiritual and non-spiritual. 


Many in the spiritual circles don't grasp the simplicity of awakening, they want hard stuff, hard coding, techniques, etc. 

Kundalini is Muladhara in reality, red first chakra/angle. Is the metaphor of St. Peter or Mother Marry, the metaphor of Satan, Krishna, Set, Typhoon, etc. 


So don't go searching for information about Kundalini, online or books, because the majority are BS (unless), one needs to have the 6th sense very fined tune to see behind the art forms. 


So why they paint Kundalini as something separate or a very huge stepping stone?

Because in order to open Kundalini/Muladhara there is the need of 3 chakras to channel, to really do it, not just mindfucking. 


The society today, the dormants basically work with a blocked kundalini and mindfuck, literally, they have the sexual energy focused on the plexus/throat/head instead of 1st chakra (ever wonder why the painting of Jesus on the cross with the right rib open?). But to escape this is very simple, what is not simple is the pain and trauma accumulated on forcing the body to go unnatural, and when you go natural again you will literally feel you die and go insane, so the majority don't even bother because for the unnatural the natural is not more natural anymore. 

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