
Differentiation within Pure Beingness

6 posts in this topic

Apologies to anyone who commented on a prior post and I haven't reacted to it - currently crazy busy and also kind of getting lost with all the new enlightenment things I'm pondering.

In a state of pure beingness, there are no concepts. Is there differentiation between what is experienced? For example, would someone in pure beingness register the difference between a rose and a tulip?

This essentially gets at whether differentiation is a concept or not.

If differentiation is a concept and we must drop concepts for pure beingness and so drop differentiation, pure beingness would be literally nothing - that's how I'm understanding it. And there are those who say that is what pure beingness is. This might have important implications, E.G. we can't recognize a state of pure beingness until we are out of that state.

Thanks for any thoughts - back to gross amounts of studying for me :,)

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10 minutes ago, mochafrap said:

In a state of pure beingness, there are no concepts. Is there differentiation between what is experienced? For example, would someone in pure beingness register the difference between a rose and a tulip?


From what I see Beingness is still within a state of experience. So there is still registration/projection. There seems to be an awareness that observes this mechanism at work but doesn’t act on it, as In reaction/response of thought..So this is seen as a function that acts within experience itself. Distinctions still made nevertheless but are seen through. Not a bad field of reality to reside in dudes.

What happens when there is no beingness/no experiencer at all? Is there an experience? Is there any registration/projection at all. 

Is this ground of BEING or is it actually NONBEING?  This is where it gets real groovy dudes:D



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In pure bliss the multitasking is insane, one can be fully aware of the breath and the work he is doing while thinking about a very nice project in the future while you listen to a conversation and watch a youtube video per example hahaha.

Similar to when you were 6 years old and you ran all the time and had a very fine attention and distraction at the same time ;) 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@mochafrap There are still subtle dualities in your way of thinking about reality.

You are assuming there is a material difference between something and nothing, when there isn't from the absolute perspective.

What you're calling "differentiation" is otherwise called a distinction. Distinction is NOT a concept! But concept is a distinction!

All of reality consists of distinctions, but at the same time all distinctions are ultimately one.

This was explained in my longest episode: Understanding Sameness vs Difference

Pure beingness is literally nothing whether you drop your concepts or not. Nothing has ever happened. That's reality. Nothing. And everything. Because there is no difference between the two. The difference is only there in your mind.

The implications of this are not only important, it is the source of all Creation! This is how God created the entire universe!

If you understood what a distinction was, you'd be deeply enlightened and you'd understand how the entire universe came into being. So it's worth contemplating a bit ;)

P.S. You would also become immortal as the distinction between life and death would collapse.

P.P.S. An object which lacks all distinction is Infinity. And yet at the same time this object contains within it all possible distinctions, thus comprising the sum total of reality. Nothing and Everything in one tiny/huge point. A white hole if you will.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Definitely something I'll have to contemplate upon to understand, and maybe I should check out that video. Thank you.

Edited by mochafrap

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