
Why are most serious yogis and gurus male?

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23 minutes ago, sarapr said:

For the same exact reason that men are always the ones who are in the top ten in any given area of life

I don't know why but seems like that all women have ever done since the beginning of time has been to give birth to men who will be in the top ten

It's just nature. Can't deny the facts

I read a news a while back saying there was a court argument about weather women should be allowed in ashrams in India or not. So that tells you a lot. Women have even been denied the practice of spirituality so how can there even be a serious female mystic out there if no one's gonna listen to them. That's been the case for most of history that even if women did have anything better to offer no one would listen so why bother 

Would be interesting to see the numbers of female ceos in Sweden.

Concerning female spiritual teachers, you didn't made proper research.

Not only they exist, but some of them are even quite popular ?

Edited by Shin

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16 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

When you reach stage green, you are in for a treat ?

Maybe she will totally step out of this color scheme progression instead. Then she may be unbound by any particular classification and enslavment of mind with its measure :)

Edited by Jack River

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21 minutes ago, Jack River said:

Maybe she will totally step out of this color scheme progression instead. Then she may be unbound by any particular classification and enslavment of mind with its measure :)

That’s not my understanding of what SD is about.

IMO, SD is one of many spiritual languages. To me, your message suggests being bounded and enslaved. It suggests a person should avoid a particular language. The spiritual language of Buddhism stresses that avoidance and attachment are on the same level - two sides of the same coin. Both lead to delusion and suffering.

SD is a beautiful part within a larger whole. 


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6 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

That’s not my understanding of what SD is about.

IMO, SD is one of many spiritual languages. To me, your message suggests being bounded and enslaved. It suggests a person should avoid a particular language. 

SD is a beautiful part within a larger whole.


It just seems to promote “self” improvement/psychological growth. Seems like it might keep people bound in psychological time. As if freedom is a gradual process/progresssion. That’s all dude. It may not be what it’s about, but people will definitely fall in that pattern of thought conforming to its structure. Then falsely labeling others according to this concept. After all we can never know another, hell, we can’t even know ourselves xD. self is quite dynamic.  

Not an attack on your scheme, just it’s good if a few people are able to totally step out of the stream of the conditioned consciousness/progressive path. 

Edited by Jack River

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15 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

The spiritual language of Buddhism stresses that avoidance and attachment are on the same level - two sides of the same coin. Both lead to delusion and suffering.

Fosho. Buddhism or not that is part of self and it’s tendency to adhere to thought(its contents or the familiar). Both Choice/reaction. Doesn’t take learning Buddhism language to see that though. 

Thsk choice/reaction/measure/progressive/gradual process, why not just step out of that stream dude?:)

Edited by Jack River

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1 minute ago, Jack River said:

It just seems to promote “self” improvement/psychological growth. Seems like it might keep people bound in psychological time. As if freedom is a gradual process/progresssion. That’s all dude. It may not be what it’s about, but people will definitely fall in that pattern of thought conforming to its structure. Then falsely labeling others according to this concept. After all we can never know another, hell, we can’t even know ourselves xD. self is quite dynamic.  

There are many different perspectives on SD.

One paradox is that freedom is always now and a also a gradual process/progression.

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1 minute ago, Jack River said:

Fosho. Buddhism or not that is part of self and it’s tendency to adhere to thought(its contents or the familiar). Both Choice/reaction. Doesn’t take learning Buddhism language to see that though. 

Exactly, that illustrates the point - that these are integrated spiritual languages.

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IME, I had to first see the distinctions, then see the inter-relatedness, then integrate, then finally transcend to one holistic language. Fun stuff

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2 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

When you reach stage green, you are in for a treat ?


2 hours ago, Shin said:

Would be interesting to see the numbers of female ceos in Sweden.

Concerning female spiritual teachers, you didn't made proper research.

Not only they exist, but some of them are even quite popular ?

The general trends though say sth different. Look at the worldwide statistics and compare the numbers, sure there are and always have been those few individuals and I know a lot of them but the general trends are different. 

And the fact that some powerful women are out there just shows the point that it's not women who can't or are not willing to do those things but that they've been held back throughout history and only now for a couple hundred years are women becoming more freed up and even that is not a full transformation because it's happened only in western countries and yet most of the earth's population lives in the east and the tragedy is still in play. 

I'm not talking about myself just the overall view of how things are in the world. 

Edited by sarapr

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Yep. Conditioning runs deep for self/society to cling to its tradition/cultural values. 

Continual resistance to change. Therefore disorder dudes. 

Edited by Jack River

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15 minutes ago, sarapr said:


The general trends though say sth different. Look at the worldwide statistics and compare the numbers, sure there are and always have been those few individuals and I know a lot of them but the general trends are different. 

And the fact that some powerful women are out there just shows the point that it's not women who can't or are not willing to do those things but that they've been held back throughout history and only now for a couple hundred years are women becoming more freed up and even that is not a full transformation because it's happened only in western countries and yet most of the earth's population lives in the east and the tragedy is still in play. 

I'm not talking about myself just the overall view of how things are in the world. 


The Yang/Ying duality (Masculinity/femininity) clearly explains why is this the case though.




We are talking about Masculinity and femininity, not about being a man or a women.

We could argue there is a huge cultural influence, and it certainly is the case (for women that are balanced/masculine especially), but fundamentally some people are more masculine than feminine, hence why they have the leading position in the world.

As of now men seems to be more masculine as a whole, so this is the reason, not that women are repressed.
They wouldn't take the leading position in most cases anyway, there would have no drive to do it for them.

Edited by Shin

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cooperation easily can be self centered movement. 

giving also can be motivated my self seeking gratification/validation therefore not actually giving but still accumulating. 

The motive is determined by conditioning. self is very tricky and will disguise its activity as other than what it is. 

Edited by Jack River

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To Transend the field of opposites dudes...that is stepping out of the stream of conditioned mind. Culture/tradition/thought implicitly sustains this conditioning. The self gets conditioned by culture and that self continues to feed that conditioning by clinging/accepting/conforming to its conditioning. A loop of self sustained conditioning that means any real substantial change becomes impossible. A shame fosho. 

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27 minutes ago, Jack River said:

To Transend the field of opposites dudes...that is stepping out of the stream of conditioned mind. Culture/tradition/thought implicitly sustains this conditioning. The self gets conditioned by culture and that self continues to feed that conditioning by clinging/accepting/conforming to its conditioning. A loop of self sustained conditioning that means any real substantial change becomes impossible. A shame fosho. 

So ?

Most people won't transcend in the upcoming years, hence why it will stay that way for a while.
Even if you do transcend, it does not mean you magically become 50/50 on this Spectrum anyway.

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Whoever lives in love lives in God

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12 minutes ago, Shin said:

So ?

Most people won't transcend in the upcoming years, hence why it will stay that way for a while.
Even if you do transcend, it does not mean you magically become 50/50 on this Spectrum anyway.


Step out of the sprectrum dude. 

In that total/compete action consciousness will tend to follow in that direction. The direction of no direction lol. 

Be the catalyst brah. 

Edited by Jack River

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@Jack River 

For sure dude, SD has nothing to do with enlightenment and only promotes development rather than un-development of ego. However, it is useful knowledge as a practical model to understand people, cultures, societies (ego/human condition).  For those still interested in developing the psyche, SD may be used to see where they fit in different areas of life but can be confused with the actual and used to feed/sustain the conditioning

Edited by DrewNows

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To answer this question is a little bit difficult, as it's convoluted.

First off, the divine feminine has been repressed from humanity for many millennia. Up until very recently in history it has been the story of man against nature (aka the masculine principle against the feminine principle). This has manifested in the past as a desire and need to manipulate and control nature on the macro and on the micro has manifested as men oppressing women. 

So, in the past, there has been little ability for women to pursue the things that might excite them in a worldly sense. Then, practically, prior to the advent of machines that have made it quicker and easier to do house chores, it was women that needed to do the domestic work while men went out and did the labor that required more strength and a lack of pregnancy. And at this time, women would be pregnant all the time as it was prior to the advent of birth control and sex education. And if women fully realized their sexual/libidinal energy that motivated them to be self-asserting, then it would be a danger to the fabric of pre-industrial society. So, in the past, it was very rare for a woman to pursue anything beyond motherhood and domestic work which was a 24/7 job that allowed for no wiggle room. They were also the punching bags of history since they are physically weaker and representative of nature which was capricious and then took many human lives.

Presently, these constraints of women's autonomy are no longer necessary and are a hinderance. But we still are conditioned to believe that the masculine principle is good and important while the feminine principle is bad and unimportant. And women still shoulder a lot of this weight and are pressured to both be masculine (and deny their femininity) and avoid being masculine (while also avoiding any expression of femininity that is dangerous to the status quo... which is most of it) at the same time. So, for all of history there has been a weight on women that has squelched so many of our natural strengths and caused fragmentation and disintegration... but this lessens as we spiral up in human evolution. 

Now for the tricky part... your question itself is steeped in masculine principle preference. Even valuing being known and seen as important as a guru is an aspect of the masculine principle. It is ego and hierarchical thinking. This adds more weight onto the repression of the divine feminine in society. So, even your question is loaded with this masculine slant. 

We have a hard time seeing value in that which is not masculine. This also creates a barrier to women becoming empowered and stepping into their most natural energy... which is the feminine. And the feminine is powerful in a way that the masculine can never be. And it is exactly what our world needs right now... even if it's unceremonious and subtle. If we continue valuing the masculine at the expense of the feminine, humanity will continue to grow cancerously upon the Earth and the Earth will die. So, women stepping into our feminine power is a huge component to making the jumps necessary to save the planet from the masculine imbalance that eventually grew to match the power of the feminine planet and began choking it out. 

And if you had ever felt that feminine energy and truly stepped into it, you'd never feel uneasy about the fact that women had never been ranked highly in some arbitrary hierarchy on a rock floating out in infinite space. That's all imagination land anyway. Status and importance aren't real. Fame is not real. History is not real. You are real. The Earth is real. And if you really became conscious of this, you would know that your validity could never come into question or be defined by how people see you or remember you. 

Edited by Emerald

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