Do you hear that voice too?

7 posts in this topic

When I'm talking with someone and we are sharing our personal stuff, I tend to be openminded and understanding.

I ask them questions, I like to figure out the difference between our approaches to life.

I never judge them, at least on the outside, but on the inside I still hear a little voice saying “oh that’s shit, he should do like me…” 

I hear this inner voice especially when we stumble upon some topics I really care about such as health, nutrition and relationship.

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Should post this again on the meditation subforum.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Yes, if I'm honest with myself I would admit that I hear that voice often, even regarding my own thoughts and actions. I just try to send love to that voice, because it must not be very happy.

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Seeing the pain that the voice transmits and not needing the voice anymore is what makes it go away from my experience

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Yes I hear that voice, but I also have a very understanding voice that says don't push it, they are a newbie. LOL

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Knowing I am not the only one relieves me ?

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yes me too. im also relieved. 

Julien from RSD also says - "the more unique the problem, the more likely other people have that problem" 

while perhaps not completely true, i like the idea

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