
The Voice Is Not You [Let's discuss, also help me]

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Excerpt from a book called Solve for happiness:



... Why would you need to talk to yourself if you’re the one doing the talking?





Chapter: The Voice Is Not You
If there is one thing that will change your life forever, it is recognizing that the
voice talking to you is not you!

Think about that for a minute. It’s so simple it doesn’t even need proof. A
vantage point is a prerequisite to perception; to observe something you need to
be outside of it. We could not see planet Earth as long as we never left it. Only
when astronauts sent us back pictures of Earth could we see it. You can’t see your
own eyes because they are the part of you that sees. The image of them reflected
back to you in a mirror is just a reflection. It’s not your own eyes.
If you can hear someone speaking on the radio, that someone isn’t you.

Similarly, for you to perceive a voice speaking in your head, you and the voice
must be two separate entities.


Bold italic ones are the points that I've stuck right now. I need more explanation for help

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Maybe you can grasp it better like this:

Imagine that you are dreaming. This dreams starts as you driving a car. But you don´t see yourself, you just see the car, and it moves. It doesn´t take long in that drea for you to create an hallucination that you ARE the car. 

The same happens to the voice in your head. People call it an illusion, the fact of being identified or feeling being that voice in your head, but I call it more an hallucination, you CAN perceive the voice, but still have the feeling that you are that voice. That is because although rationally, you understand that you can´t be something you perceive, the hallucination is way too consistent and strong. That´s why consciousness practices exist.

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how can there be two separate entities if all of one?

Perhaps it's better to say you don't cease to exist if the voice ceases. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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How do you know?  

There are billions of voices in the human body, what say about that? 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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Either you're no thing, or you're every thing.

Or both ? 


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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F. you guys you making it more complex for me explain it in simple terms, why this universe yet exists as a servant to my experience as these all inner voice and thought and body and human and every tool is exists yet but for an experience of me. Then I simply only would be simplified into the experience itself. 

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Surrender your desire to conceptually understand the "voice" and you will transcend it.

"Beyond fear, destiny awaits" - Dune


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@non_nothing oh ok, here it is simple: the voice is an invisible unicorn that farts rainbows and lives in a parallel universe and communicates telepathically telling you all its wants and desires. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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5 hours ago, non_nothing said:

. We could not see planet Earth as long as we never left it.

@non_nothing We could not see what the self is and the voices are as long as we never left it.

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4 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@non_nothing oh ok, here it is simple: the voice is an invisible unicorn that farts rainbows and lives in a parallel universe and communicates telepathically telling you all its wants and desires. 

@seeking_brilliance its amazing reading and then imagining seaarios like this - as all is possible even this would be true in a parallel world . Epic


I mean saying that there are infinite possibilities is epic but then actually really grasping what that implies is mind boggling



Love Is The Answer

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@SoonHei @non_nothing

Haha, so question is, did the parallel universe with the telepathic farting unicorn exist before or after I made my post. 

Yeah yeah, I've heard time is an illusion ?

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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@non_nothing In a conversation between two people one talks while the other one listens. 

The talk. What does the talking?

The listening. What listens?

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Forgot to tell, I know intellectually that voice is separate thing and I am not the voice, voice is just a distraction, a feature on human experience. But I'm having hard time to silence it and acknowledging it fully asides intellectually. 

57 minutes ago, WelcometoReality said:

@non_nothing In a conversation between two people one talks while the other one listens. 

The talk. What does the talking?

The listening. What listens?

This is good, voice doesn't listen, and can't, un-able to listen. It's not an entity


6 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

@non_nothing oh ok, here it is simple: the voice is an invisible unicorn that farts rainbows and lives in a parallel universe and communicates telepathically telling you all its wants and desires. 


5 hours ago, cetus56 said:

@non_nothing We could not see what the self is and the voices are as long as we never left it.

Wow that's amazing. But I wanna grasp this asides intellectually. 


7 hours ago, Arthur said:

Surrender your desire to conceptually understand the "voice" and you will transcend it.

Throughout my spiritual work, I did a lot of surrendering, at the beginning it seemed like it had gone but it came back with loud and stubborn than ever.

Now I'm trying to consciously control it by trying to command over it. It works somehow.

7 hours ago, Nahm said:

@non_nothing No “voice”, just monkey mind...practices.

Yes it practices. But why it has such a powerful illusion of making you or controlling you as his puppet? He's not a great guide but to be guided, 

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@non_nothing if you were born deaf, would there still be a voice in the head? I wonder how deaf people think and if mind chatter is a problem for them. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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58 minutes ago, non_nothing said:
6 hours ago, cetus56 said:

@non_nothing We could not see what the self is and the voices are as long as we never left it.

Wow that's amazing. But I wanna grasp this asides intellectually. 

@non_nothing It's easy. Just let the bottom drop out of what is you and see what it is that remains. O.K. that may sound like a tall order. But there is the most amazing safety net waiting to catch you.

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41 minutes ago, non_nothing said:

Forgot to tell, I know intellectually that voice is separate thing and I am not the voice, voice is just a distraction, a feature on human experience. But I'm having hard time to silence it and acknowledging it fully asides intellectually. 

Do you have to silence it, can't you just stop listening to it?

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"You cannot remember because you have never forgotten"  -Nisargadatta

 "Nothing is Hidden" -Leo 

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Don't conceptualize those quotes and try to "figure it out"

Use them to examine a facet of your present experience and simply observe.

Leo explains it like this, there is no need to try to figure it out because it is right there, all you need to do is watch it until you become conscious enough.


Your realization of what that quote is pointing to will not be in words, like the quote.

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Careful not to disidentify with the voice as well. Thought will attribute to itself as being an independent reality that stands outside thought itself. It may also identify with an idea that has been picked up along the way. The self/voice is structured to self-sustain this “independent existense”. It does so by thinking to itself I am the voice and also by saying I am not the voice. In order to not get caught here understand its subtle movement patterns and how they all connect and can be identified as one unit of psychological motion. 

This was most excellent for me.?

Edited by Jack River

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