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What was that?

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this happened to me a couple of times during sleep, a feeling of some force pulling me out of my body.

i blame it on a sleep position, because it occured when i was sleeping on my stomach with my head twisted (could be some poor blood flow or something). however, today i've also had the sensation of tingling in my shoulder blades while experiencing this "swinging" feeling of myself being about to leave my body in my sleep.

there's an Emerald's video on sleep paralysis where she talks about having a sensation of tingling in her armpits before having an out of body experience...

i thought if there any correlation between the two, or this was something else? or just poor position while sleeping...i wonder if someone has any comment or had the same sensation?


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Was this pulling sensation on the top of your head or somewhere else?

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@YaMayka  it was more like shoulders or arms...

i just remembered in previous times there was also a feeling of deep pressure on my spine...

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@Gabriel Antonio  could be, but upon waking up i was able to move, just felt very anxious.

i tend to wake up very fast when it all starts...

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This happens often around full moon days. :D

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