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Gratefullness meditation leads to love and compassion

3 posts in this topic

Hi folks,

I did not watch the video of Leo about Love.

So maybe I am just saying what he already said here's what I experience two times in the last week.

First, I am very introverted and I am a visionary. 

My meditation started randomly I was walking and I become aware of me breathing at first.

And then I realized how much I was lucky just to be able to breath. I felt grateful and the started to feel grateful of my lungs, about those cells that get this oxygen out of this air. I went deeper and deeper in ma gratitude state about my inner body (I know a lot about medecine and how the molecules transfers to each entities at every breath).

I sais thanks to the receptors in my lungs to my cells….etc..

And then I went at the macroscopic saying thanks to this short we have on this earth (the atmosphere, the way and the distance form earth to sun, etc).

I went from under a mm to as fast as a could go just being thankfull to breath, because it's rare a human being can breath on earth. WE are LUCKY.

And the naturally my meditation switched naturally to compassion with everyone I knew.

So I wonder, Were was love in this? I wonder.

Gratefullness has always given me the highest consciousness, love and compassion comes after for me…

Any thoughts


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There is a few spelling errors there.

Love is gratitude, a love of creation, a love of being alive is gratitude if you really think about it.

Being in love is different. Although you can love someone and be grateful for their purpose in your life but not be in love with them.

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