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Tony 845

So basically Kundalini awakening is

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A purging of energy prior to enlightenment that last 3 months to like 7 years? That's what I'm getting from anything online, or the minors before the majors or a cleansing period of energy, chakras & neurosis. This whole thing seems kinda vague, who's got some good juice on this stuff, the books aren't doing me any justice.

Edited by Tony 845

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Dunno much about it


But I can say this


There isn't a set range for it 


The range maybe 1 day. To 50 years or even more or less.


It varies for everyone

Everyone is different

Everyone has various build ups of enegies

Love Is The Answer

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It is a constant growth. Kundalini is an everlasting expansion or death if you don't follow the flow. 

It is the growth itself, but society tricks us and we block the growth around 25-30 years of age, but it can be released again to infinity. 

Edited by Hellspeed

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@Shroomdoctor  I'm going through kundalini as we speak, had my 1st kundalini awakening 4 months ago, energy shooting out of my head (it was insane) 

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I’m a little leery about the Kundalini stuff personally.  But I don’t want to dissuade others from looking into it themselves.  I’m just being honest.  I never needed anything from the Chakras theory to become Enlightened.  But I get how with the right teacher, Enlightenment might be taught Around that framework.  But at the end of the day it’s love of truth that is more of a driver to Enlightenment in my experience.  Some people have high love of truth and some people much less so.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor I disnt choose the kundalini my friend, to be honest I didn't know anything about it, only knew of enlightenment 

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Had a few intense Kundalini experiences also, but they weren't brought on by specific Kundalini techniques. It was either by traumatic events or by do-nothing sits. 

I think educating your self on the symptoms can be helpful for those who have experienced Kundalini related events or for people looking to work with it. If you don't know why you're going through it, it can make you think you're going crazy. That's how I reacted to my first couple experiences before I did some research.

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@Elysian yeah, I was looking for enlightenment, not necessarily this, but hey I don't have a choice now ?

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Listening to Adyshanti talk about his Kundalini process gave me a lot of faith when I was going (and still do at times) through intense kundalini symptoms. The way he explains things in the below video I could relate to.



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This energy your talking about only comes about when all conflict/self comes to an end. And to practice to attain no conflict/self feeds the contradicting action of self that wastes energy on that contradiction. Has nothing to do with an experience dudes. Goes way beyond experience. 

Edited by Jack River

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@SBB4746 @SBB4746i didn't realize going into this practice there was a kundalini awakening prior to enlightenment, thought it was just boom you are enlightened, boy was "I" fucking wrong, this shit is nuts..??

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On 26.10.2018 at 2:36 PM, Joseph Maynor said:

I’m a little leery about the Kundalini stuff personally.  But I don’t want to dissuade others from looking into it themselves.  I’m just being honest.  I never needed anything from the Chakras theory to become Enlightened.  But I get how with the right teacher, Enlightenment might be taught Around that framework.  But at the end of the day it’s love of truth that is more of a driver to Enlightenment in my experience.  Some people have high love of truth and some people much less so.  

Being the reason you are Egoic Enlightened only. 

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@Hellspeed my self I never even new about kundalini prior to enlightenment, trust me I didn't choose this shit, I just wanted full blown real deal enlightenment, but here we are?‍♂️?

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1 minute ago, Tony 845 said:

@Hellspeed my self I never even new about kundalini prior to enlightenment, trust me I didn't choose this shit, I just wanted full blown real deal enlightenment, but here we are?‍♂️?

Believe me, when I say, there is no Enlightenment without Kundalini, period, this is the highest truth of the reality of the human being. It is very easy to see the truth of reality with the glasses of the mind but is very different to be able to remember every second of your life at will, after genuine awakening (this is just 1 example).. 

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@Hellspeed that was a great response, so I'm on the right track? How long was you're  kundalini phase & whats you're  best advice? ? Just let it happen & don't fight it right? 

Edited by Tony 845

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