
If you want more, desire less !!!

11 posts in this topic

The less desires you'll have, combined with a total letting go of whatever "negative circumstances" you experience,
Will bring everything you really need and really desire to you.

Especially if you act selflessly (less desire), counter-intuitively, you'll be rewarded far more than if you seek selfishly what you think you want.

Beware of the trap to act "selflessly" on purpose, that is not selflessness, there is no one trying to do anything when you do a selfless act, you just do domething you think is necessary, regardless of the outcome for you, whether it's "good" or "bad" for you.

If you really let go, and if you really work on realizing there is no real desire to have on anything, paradoxically, your real desires will come effortlessly to you.
When I say effortlessly, I don't mean you just do nothing and wait,
I'm saying you just do what you're supposed to do on a daily basis (according to your intuition and goals), then at some point life will just, in a sense, "reward you" for merging with it.

That happens because you stop seeking false desires, and because you let life unfolding without any inner resistance.
So naturally, your real desires will appears, since you let go of what was and what you think should be.

Everything that you really wants will come to you if you truly apply this,
And the best part of it is that when you can actually do that, you do it mostly without any real input,

It just happens, life just happens.

Synchronicities are the way to know if you're on track.
When things happen in a way that seems to good to be true,

As if they were predestined.



So what you need to do is:

To learn how to let go: Whatever you think you lost or don't have yet, means it isn't supposed to happen now, let go and make peace with that.

To realize that most of your desire are false: Not only they are falses, but they distract you of what life tries to create out of you now, you don't need anything  to be happy, all of what you think you want is a projection of your psychee, linking achievements and situations to happiness.
Happiness is your natural state of being.

To act selflessly: This cannot be learned, it will happen when you start merging with the Truth by dissolving your sense of self.
You can still fake it until you make it though, you will realize very quick that giving (not necessarily material things) will make you way happier than receiving.

To dissolve your sense of self: This is actually the most important part, because if you actually do this you will understand intuitively very easily (at some point) all of the above point.
It will be a no-brainer that you have to practice the above points all the time.

Core practices:

  • Daily meditation: Leo has several videos about that.
  • Daily self-observation: It's meditation throughout all the day, you need to have the goal to remain conscious of your thought stream all the time, it's a never ending practice.
    If you really strive to liberate yourself, you can't just do 20 minutes of sitted meditation, you need to stay conscious ALL THE TIME !

"Advanced" practices:
(Advanced as in you need to make the core ones a habit first)

  • Daily self-inquiry
  • Daily comtemplations
  • Daily Kriya Yoga
    (Leo made a video of all of those)

Temporary practices:

  • Spiritual books/videos (Leo's book list, even though he still didn't put The Power Of Now in it lol)
  • Psychedelics (Leo made a video about it)
  • Retreats (Search Vipassana or Zen retreats on google)
Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin Great post! What if your desire is to improve quality of life and you don’t experience resistant thinking? Wouldn’t more desire be a really, really, great thing?



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2 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Shin Great post! What if your desire is to improve quality of life and you don’t experience resistant thinking? Wouldn’t more desire be a really, really, great thing?

Yes but I mostly talk about false desires, which is what 99% of us have for 99% of what we think we want xD

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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1 hour ago, Strikr said:

don't be sorry when I m gonna own the world :>

You already do ?

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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3 hours ago, Strikr said:

who knows

Who's the who who knows ?



God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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