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How do I make learning science interesting?

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I marvel at science, but when I have to study facts, etc. - I simply don't care. I'm learning the nervous system atm and it 'should' be darn amazing, but.... 

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Reductionist western science will always be limited to the materialism paradigm. Not very interesting for an awakened human being who can experience reality beyond the 5 senses. 

Edited by Hellspeed

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I found Physics to be incredibly fascinating when I was studying it.  I was into Mathematical Physics.  I was also heavily into Mathematics too.  I also find Astronomy to be incredibly fascinating.  Not so much now, but when I was in my 20's it was.  My real passion was Mathematics though.  I flirted with double-majoring in Mathematics and Philosophy -- but I ended up just doing the Philosophy.  But I think if I could have done a three-way major in college it would have been Physics, Mathematics, and Philosophy.

I'm 40 now.  If I were going to college today I would probably do a three-way major of Music, Computer Science, and Law School.

So, your question is how to make science interesting.  I don't know how to answer this because I was always interested in science.  I was much more interested in science in school than I was all the other subjects.  So, I never had to force myself too hard to be interested in science.  Now, there are some sciences I was more interested in than others.  I went through a phase where I was very interested in psychology for example.  Once I discovered philosophy though, science started to take a back-seat for me.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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