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IQ vs inteligence

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Guys help me build this topic. We can make it even featured . Write some examples that you can think of. IQ vs inteligence.

Being smart is not about how much you know or how fast your brains are or how much you can score on a test. It really means how close you are to the truth about everything.

-If you can score 200 on IQ test but you smoke cigaretes or you eat junk food or smth like that, you're still pretty stupid. 

-Or maybe a person reads 30books in 30days but still wears heels or wears some tight clothes in a hot summer day, is still a stupid person. Same jungle boy who can't even read would never put something that is uncomfortable but looks good. He would call you the most idiotic being of all :D Now he's smart. :D




Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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