
skipping to the non-dual state

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yesterday after having a mini joint of w33d, i went into this brief state in which none of the visual/overall experience changed... but it all changed...


the best way i can now put it to myself is like all of a sudden being inside of a VR video - except much more deeply (with all 5 senses involved)

it was from a place of watching

at first... "I" did not notice it...

it was rather when "I" noticed that I am in that state... the "am in the state" became "was in that state"

I now get why it is said any movement/thought takes you out of it

my mind wanted to say/shout/exclaim WOW! and investigate that state and how I got there

but any "doing" of that sort took me out of it

yet while i was in that state, i sort of understood/noticed/realized that i am in it - without having the need to think about it

it was amazing! i'm sure any of you who has had a non-dual experience would know what I am talking about


 i also have some questions

the state did not feel like what I would call "infinte bliss" or "infinte love" i still had a sense of a body in that - i did not disassociate with my body in that moment. i did realize though that I am all of the expereince - with a focal point of view stemming from the body


i did not have an experience of death to reach this state

i kinda melted into that state

i am not asking for or wishing that i go thru the ego death process or torture before arriving in that state again - i am just rather questioning that it was effortless for me... i guess having read up on so many things kinda places different checkpoints in your mind you feel like you will have to go thru to get to that state and that is why there is beauty in "ignorance is bliss"

however, i feel that the subtleness of that state for the ones who arent aware of it. will miss it. they will be in that state as much as you might be. but since that concept is so impossible for them, they will miss it.. they DO miss it. anytime someone is watching a movie or an intense sport. you're fully into that experieince. that's no different than a non-dual state

it really is so simple

now. i am wanting to get back to that state

but i know I cannot get there

i can desire to get there

but i cannot try to get there

trying to get there = not getting there

action = blocking the entrance




DO WHAT YOU NORMALLY DO TO FALL ASLEEP - NOTHING! You let go and go into that state


though again, note that i was under the influence of the ganja which may have helped

but i think repeatedly going back in that state will help me build that state up. as mooji says: marinate in that oneness <3


and i can also see how letting go of my ego attachments will make me closer and closer to that state

all about surrderinding and not minding what happens and accepting all that is <3 <3 <3


love you all


there is no I, so LOVE ME

but there is also no me...

so just LOVE





Love Is The Answer

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another thing which resonates deeply and also leaves me in awe is this


Osho says in some of his videos that his "meditation is not disturbed" by "his" actions, talking, doing

that's what it means to abide in that state, to remain in that deep meditative state. for me.. just the thought or the quick "aaha" about being in that state or recognizing it made me lose it... i see now the work that needs to be done so that state can be attained and retained longer and then eventually kinda laying back so that life just happens on its own

how amazing would that be

indeed! and i think it's actually this : before enlightenment chop wood carry water - after enlightenment being aware that wood is being chopped and being aware that water is being carried :) 

i havent been a very strong and a practicing mediator but i am sure many who try to meditate and have done so longer than i have MUST have missed this simple state which is the ultimate goal of meditation. it would seem so many mediators are searching for IT yet it's way to subtle to be found that way...

Love Is The Answer

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Ye, I experience exactly the same state, got there through 5-MeO.

I don't feel like the universe or one with everything, or even that I don't exist, because clearly there is a body/emotions/sensations. It's very subtle though, like I'm aware of all the things around me including my mind and my thoughts of "I". Feels like everything around me is just a happening, its present and it's there, the mind can't argue with it. 

"Beyond fear, destiny awaits" - Dune


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8 minutes ago, Arthur said:

I don't feel like the universe or one with everything,

@Arthur that's just a thought or a projection that you're having about what that state maybe like as described by others


the best way i can say is that it simply means being the entire experience - like peering thru a VR headset and seeing all of what is inside. which includes the 1st per point of view looking out. but all of that would = ONE experience

that's simply what being ONE with everything or being the entire universe means

the mind thinks it would be something cool/outta this world

but it's simply just that

ONE experience 

Love Is The Answer

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