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Second-order demons of human realm

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I'll share you with my own discovery/experience today.


We'll first try to understand what is inner voice.


If you're into spirituality or no-self kind-of-things, then you should already familiar with the concept of the inner voice. If not, It is the voice inside your head. The voice when you think silently about something or read a book. 


When you're on the journey of discovering who you are, you either way or another face with the issue of "Am I the inner voice". Then usually the person proceeds to find the source of it. Or forced by his/her mentor to find the source. The thing I'll explain you in this thread is not about the "THAT" source. But something really I think precious to be shared for. 

I don't really want to dig in much about the background of this discovery but simply I had meditated for an our as usual at morning then take a walk in this cold weather taking fresh air into my breathe. Then I found that inner silence we are familiar with. Then chanted OM for no primary reasons to just bring the the they call the primary frequency or the essence of every vibration. Then It got me, here I'll tell you.


The inner voice in our head. Have you ever tried to concentrate on how does it sound, rather than what it tells? What I mean is think it as distinguishing a guitar sound than a piano sound. They both able to play some same notes but have a different taste. Keep reading.


Have you ever noticed that If a lovely sentence, lovingly passed through in your mind via inner voice and then you smile or get happy? or the opposite, we humans usually run bad affirmations or sentences that harms our psychology such as: "I'm no good, etc." . Keep reading. 


The truth is you just don't record or re-play the sentence in your mind but you also play with it in a certain person's voice frequency, it might be your mom, your dad your whoever a person that had serious impact on you. This is the fundamental we'll be digging into and I promise that'll worth it.


The second truth is that these sentences are carried within centuries. Your mom's voice frequency is just your mom's voice frequency and it is unique to her, but the sentences and the meanings, the cognitive beliefs, are carried from generations to next generations.


There from the second truth that I've told you, If you have a good spiritual knowledge, i.e studied various traditions and so on, you might relate this to the fact that you live your past life's experience and DNA thing if I'm not wrong, the karma thing. I'm not really telling you this is the truth that I am confirming but this might be something related I don't know, I'm just pointing out this fact. This besides, keep reading.


The powerful thing about meditation is that It really does destroy the inner voice thus the demons I'm referring here, It brings the tranquility of mind and THE default state of who you are. I'm not simply telling you that your inner voice is demon and you are doomed or whatever you might conclude to, but bare with me, there's a lot to discover yet.


It's the demon itself is the sentences and words those transformed into meanings and roles, masks that people wear, roles that people play and project these meanings to outside world thus sentences to your mind. Then you take it and save inside your mind. You replay and iterate through those. Your mind and heart  does only trying to resolve these but we as experiencing human beings are a bit out of defense towards this.


This is a real, fucking real, disease. Virus. Mental virus that's spread through words and voice. Throughout the whole human existence and kingdoms, we did spread this. We were not aware what we've been doing. Whatever happened had happened, I'm not here to brag but to show you what it is and where your inner voice is coming from. It's the words and sentences you unconsciously took granted, and seeded into your own mind from outside world. Then it grow, and became your inner voice. The cure is to returning to your own-pure-state. Which is the one of solution of many: Spiritual work and discipline. e.g. the most basic would be to meditate.


Hope this helps any of you, blessings




EDIT: Forgot to tell you some about why did I then bring in OM chanting to my experience, if you've read through my post, then you'd conclude that inner silence is the pure essence of us and might be the purest state of a human being. The OM chanting is basically chanting a certain sound frequency that is NOT a sentence, a word, a letter (sure we have to use letters to explain how it SOUNDS) but  simply a frequency that's coming from your inside. There might be a lot to discover OM chanting for myself, I'll just keep experimenting with this discovery and facts that I shared with you today, until now stay grounded and loved.

Edited by non_nothing

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