
Was Socrates Delusional?

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I'm currently studying loads of Plato in college. In every dialogue, I see Socrates putting on the facade of epistemic humility, but I see him consistently falling into duality traps and conceptual shenanigans with no grounding (such as claiming the existence of a soul as if each person or object has its own unique soul which is separate from the body and separate from other souls).

After investing so much in consciousness work, and starting to get small breakthroughs (finally!), I'm starting to slowly see the delusion of conception being undermined by actuality in my everyday experience, even in something simple as standing in line. 

My question is this, and I'd love it if @Leo Gura would answer personally (seeing how you went to college for philosophy, Leo ;)). Is Plato and Socrates worth studying at all? I'm trying to read this stuff with a really open mind, but I'm starting to think Platonic dialogues are a whole steaming load of horseshit which is actually really profound considering how revered and legendary they are. This stuff is the basis of ALL Western tradition! My college philosophy professors certainly seem to hold them on a pedestal.

It's Love.

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Learn about the self. After all same self as years past. Only a little less hairy, little taller, maybe nicer set of teeth, but psychologically shit hasn’t changed brahxD

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I believe it's still valuable to study different perspectives even if they are not directed towards awakening, especially the most influential philosophers of the western world(Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle)

however, when it comes to Socrates he might have a touch of awakening through his "Socratic method", ill leave you with a book I have discovered but haven't read yet but is interesting to investigate.

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