Bryan Lettner

What is the purpose of Purpose?

6 posts in this topic

Fuck.  This is a hard one.  Any ideas?

What purpose does Purpose serve?

All i've got is maybe: 
-to act as a backbone somehow to prop up Reality's games.
-to give God the feeling of having something to do, so that it stays oriented and patterned rather than chaotic and unoriented.
-Purpose... has no purpose?
I don't really understand what i'm saying. Need me some helps.

Edited by Bryan Lettner

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This is a great question.  Purpose is a desire of Ego to try to improve reality to its advantage.  Every system seeks some kind of purpose if you think about it.  The human Egoic self is able to consider purpose using language which takes purpose to another level.  So you have what I call small life purpose and big life purpose.  Small life purpose is you getting your own little life handled.  Big life purpose is you doing something for the wider world.  But either way, notice that purpose is a feature of Ego.  That doesn’t mean purpose is bad, just don’t neurotically cling to it.  Purpose will happen whether you want it to or not since we all have Ego in our Experience.  You gotta be kinda touch and go with purpose.  On the one hand you wanna cultivate purpose, on the other hand you wanna let purpose go.  It’s a subtle paradox.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Joseph Maynor An interesting take on it, thank you. 


Purpose is a desire of Ego to try to improve reality to its advantage.

That definitely makes a lot of sense. 
I actually didn't have life purpose in mind, specifically.  More like purpose in general, as a fundamental phenomenon.  Like the purpose of a hammer, or a vacation, or pain, or an emotion, or time.

My question may be akin to "This statement is false", in that it renders itself nonsensical through self-reference. 

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5 minutes ago, Bryan Lettner said:

@Joseph Maynor An interesting take on it, thank you. 

That definitely makes a lot of sense. 
I actually didn't have life purpose in mind, specifically.  More like purpose in general, as a fundamental phenomenon.  Like the purpose of a hammer, or a vacation, or pain, or an emotion, or time.

My question may be akin to "This statement is false", in that it renders itself nonsensical through self-reference. 

Ok, I think most generally purpose is preference.  It’s the Ego preferring reality to be one way rather than another.  Because complex systems have preference they have purpose.  Preference leads to purpose.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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@Bryan Lettner

The idea of purpose is something that is invented by ego to rationalize something which it can never know.

Ego can't stand not knowing something. So it conjures up this fancy idea called purpose and thus believes that now it's in control and now it knows when actually it still doesn't know shit but pretending otherwise

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@Shiva while reading your post here, something came up. See if it sounds coherent or not.

From your post, it basically means that in order for a 'purpose' to be discussed, there has to be numerous assumptions first. Only then purpose can be mapped meaningfully. 

So the purpose of a purpose is to basically support those assumptions. It's an effort to give a sense of Truth to those assumptions. And so it is not about what's ACTUALLY True or about going into an honest inquiry for Truth now.

The purpose of a  purpose is basically to provide justification for the unquestioned assumptions upon which it is made.

Does that sound about right? @Bryan Lettner

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