Nootropics video sumarised [not mine]

By lmfao in Personal Development -- [Main],
The following was posted in comments section of Leo's last video by this user   " SUMMARY OF THE VIDEO: Caveat, this is not complete, but it should allow for guiding towards further research. (1) Modafinil - Actual pharmaceutical - Creativity - Focus - Energy - Connecting the dots - subtle effects - Better memory - A synergy of brain functioning (1.a) Armodafinil (analog of modafinil) - Basically same as modafinil, but: - more potent - Fewer side effects - Do research to understand the difference and why it works better than modafinil even though it uses fewer chemicals, which is one reason it has fewer side effects. (2) Lions Mane Mushrooms - Neurogenesis - Energy - Focus - Clears brain fog - Reduces depression & anxiety (3) L-Theanine - Relaxant - Increases alpha and theta brain waves similar to meditation - Neuro growth factor - Mood booster - Gabba/ serotonin/ Dopamine (4) Huperzine A - Increased short-term memory - Long-term brain health - Vivid dreams; helps with lucid dreaming (5) Alpha GPC - Choline > Memory > building block/fuel for the brain - Mood - Mental energy - Neuro growth factor (6) Pterostilbene - Neurogenesis - Neuroplasticity - memory - Dopamine - Memory - Mood - Dopamine - Improves cognition - Reduces anxiety - Neuroprotectant (7) 5-HTP - Reduces anxiety, stress, and depression - Don't take it with other anti-depressants! (8) Sulbutiamine - Attention spawn - Focus - Increased vocabulary - Sociability - Quick tolerance (9) Vinpocetine - Blood flow to the brain - Focus - Memory - Helps with brain fog - Neuroplasticity - Anti-inflammatory - Helps regenerate stroke damage or other types of brain damage (10) n-acetylcysteine / NALT - Improves cognition - Memory - Helps with ADHD/ADD - Since it has tyrosine I suppose it gives the brain building blocks for neurotransmitters like dopamine (11) Phosphatidylserine - Helps with learning new skills - Stronger myelin sheet (important for learning skills, since myelin sheets help with chunking actions) - Helps with changing habits - Brain health - Reduce ADHD/ADD - Brainwave reduction (12) Bacopa(Indian herb) translates to Brahmi similar to Brahman. - Improve memory - Natural Adderall (analogy) - Focus - Helps with ADHD/ADD - Reduces anxiety in the short-term - Increases memory for long-term e.g. after stopping memory benefits can last up to months. (13) NAC - Dopamine - Helps with colds - Neuroprotectant (14) PQQ - Antioxidant - The growth of new mitochondria - Energy - Increases nerve growth factor - Improves memory - Improves cognition - Neuroprotectant - Can take up to a month to work (15) QoQ10 - Effective for older folks - Protects brain cells - Reduces fatigue - Anti-aging effects on the cardiac system - Energy (16) Uridine - Boost release of dopamine - Improves mood with fish oil - Neuroprotectant (16) Gingko Biloba - Increases blood circulation in the brain - Attention - Focus - Cognition and learning - Helps repair brain cells - Requires several weeks before it works ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (A.1) Fish oil - Important vitamine, not necessarily a nootropic. (A.2) Vitamin D3 - A very important vitamin that a lot of people lack due to that they work inside. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good stack: - SAL Butherine - Alpha GPC - Uridine - Fish Oil - Vitamin D3 "
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