Sahil Pandit

Nootropics Mega-Thread

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Lions Mane and Rhodiola / Arctic Root

No effects from Lions Mane except for extremely complicated and vivid dreams with alot of emotion. 

Rhodiola mixed with a small cup of Coffee... like two cups of coffee... somewhat tense in my body... very focused and a bit more mindful... Increases my stamina during work... dont care as much that I have to do my monotonous tasks, give slightly less F’s. 

Will drink less Coffee as I mix it with Rhodiola, its very powerful!

Edit: I use the Lions Mane Elixir from Four Sigmatic, it has Lions Mane and Rhodiola and other non-nootropics.

Edited by Rilles

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I never noticed anything  from taking 

L-Theanine, Ashwagandha, and i think I tried some Ginko Biloba.

But what REALLY works is not coco with a small dose (1 maybe 1.5g ) of kratom and 150mg of kanna mixed in and sip it slow and enjoy the brain orgasmic feeling it's like natural X and makes anything you do so much more enjoyable and will definitely increase your dream time frame .

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Anyone have skin irritation go away after regular use of Rei-Shi mush room? Was gong to cut cut the dose in half tomorrow and see if it persists. I had seen it could develop a rash though too. Was kind of debatable to just not take it and find another nootropic. But I read that people worked through the side effects for much better positive effects. 

Still have pretty itchy skin 10 hours later. Probably going to call it good on taking these. 


Edited by Average Investor

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@Leo Gura I recently started tracking my supplement intake in my commonplace book to attempt to gain a nuanced understanding of how each one affects me. I also started tracking other practices to see how they affect me because I realized that nootropics only have a supplemental effect on my state compared to meditation, kriya yoga, breathwork, etc. I'm a bit overwhelmed about how to collect this data so that I can use it effectively. Am I overthinking this? Is this even beneficial? And Leo, have you had any major insights about nootropics since you shot the video? Thanks.

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I'm having insane results with liposomal vitamin c and a liposomal vitamin b complex. Liposomal magnesium L-threonate (all from altrient UK - damned expensive but so worth it). And a vitamin d3 (4000 iu per day) 

Feel insanely good on this combination. Liposomal is seriously worth the money.

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Anyone building a nice daily, long term stack?

Don't want to waste energy calculating different items to take every day like a junkie. I just want to pop some stuff in the morning and then go. Rinse and repeat for decades

Currently have Theanine, Curcumin and creatine in my stack

Thinking about trying ginkgo biloba and bacopa monnieri

Tried Gotu kola. It only made colours more saturated for the first few days then stopped working

Edited by calibrate

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@alankrillin Your brain type does not respond much to armodafinil. The same happens for 99.99% of mankind. It's true for psychedelics too, not just armodafinil.

I dare you take LSD and come up with a way to create the second Apple. But Steve Jobs gave credit to LSD for this success. You may confidently say LSD is not capable of creating such a success but in Steve Jobs's case it WAS.

So, stop thinking like if something does not benefit you much others cannot gain much from it. It's FACTUALLY wrong


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On 29/11/2018 at 5:31 PM, Leo Gura said:


A decent dose of psychedelic will literally melt the walls of your room.

A decent dose of 5-MeO will make you forget you or your life ever existed. You will expand to fill the entire universe.

Is it too dangerous, man?


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On 22/10/2018 at 3:03 AM, Shiva said:

Found this interesting study on modafinil:

It might not be completely safe for everyone. It leads to dopamine release in the brain, which can have an addictive effect. In other studies it caused increased heart rate and blood pressure. So, if you have a heart condition, be careful.

I might give it a try in the future, but for now will continue to do more research.

I find this study hard to believe even though I don't qualify as a chemist. Modafinil has been around for more than a decade and the dopamine thing is no joke. If modafinil has such an effect how it went unnoticed? 

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I noticed that nootropics change a bit the way you perceive the world and yourself.

For example, Modafinil catapult myself entirely in the stage orange, i became more aggressive, achiever, and want to pursue fame and success. And I firmly believe that i can achieve all that. Ego-mind at peak. But very good for productivity in general, i became a machine.

L-Theanine is more stage Green/Turquoise (at high doses) , i connect very well with people, i became very calm and comfortable in my own skin and surroundings, and i don't think there is very much to pursue, total relaxation of body and mind, ego at minimum. Good for creativity, in weekend is the best for me. 

So there is this "super-achiever" me and" everything is already perfect" me that coexist and i can trigger with those two substance alone. Weird.

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top 3 nootropics for me in no particular order

1. Modafinil for a balanced energy boost the whole day, great in winter when you dont get much sun in the northern hemisphere. Caveat: Easily get headaches, have to drink a glass of water every hour throughout the day.

2. Ashwagandha is great for making me a little bit dull and sleepy when my mind is too stimulated, perfect for bedtime, one or two capsules and youll be sleeping like a baby.

3. Rhodiola Rosea is excellent when mixed with some Coffee, gives me a great sense of wakefulness and stamina, great if youre working long hours and still want to be productive when you get home at night. 


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Any opinions on hypericum?

Some people consider it a nootropic. I've been using it for the last few months and it has amazing effects on me, just wondering if there is a downside on its use.

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modafinil doesnt do anything for me anymore despite only using it on occasion... anyone experienced this?

also took half a pill yesterday and my diaphragm was fluttering and had spasms every 5 minutes... that was weird!

dont think i have use for moda anymore, great journey though

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