Bullshit stem completion exercise

By Identity,
Hello there, Related to last weeks topic I made an exercise to self-reflect and inspire desired behavior. By combining Nathanial Brandon's stem completions from the 6 pillars of self-esteem and Leo's questions from his "Mankind is the bullshitting animal" video, I made the following 10-week stem completion exercise: bullshit stem completion excercise .docx  For those of you not familiar with stem completions, the idea is that you write the stem/question and then write 6-10 answers to each.  Personally, I benefited a lot from Nathanial Bandon's exercise and will add this to my morning routine for the upcoming 10 weeks. Let me know if you have any questions, or decide to try it    P.S. I read a nice article on different tactics people use to rationalize corrupt behavior, as well as how people get sucked into corrupt groups through different socialization processes. Might be helpful in finding some ways you deceive yourself about your bullshit: https://www.lawschool.cornell.edu/alumni/reunion/upload/04anand_et_al-_ame_2004.pdf