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Global Actualization

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Global Actualization: I believe it was Leo's video about creating an extrodinary life that got me thinking about this topic. This is one of my top three fav Leo videos, but also the only one that really upset me (because of one small part, I think I cried). I know that Leo did not intend what I infered from this video, the upset is all coming from me....Still, I'd like to offer my thoughts, and see if you believe in "global actualization", how it will come about, and what we as individuals can do to help speed it up!

At one point in the video Leo talks about how, with inherently easy western lives, we really have no excuse not to develop ourselves. He talked about people in other places making our clothing etc (just to point out that we aren't burdened with these tasks, which is true). I find the quality of "entittlement" annoying, yet as westerners we (pretty much) all are when it comes to not having to make/ grow our own belongings, food, etc. What upset me was; that while these amazing people slave away to the point where they are weary, weak, malnurished, poisoned by the chemicals etc for our easy life, this work takes away much of their will, all of their time, and opportunity making it next to impossible to live their own passionate, purposeful life!!! Of all the hardships and horrors that I knew these people endured, I hadn't thought of that one, and it seemed like the worst one of all... "passion\purpose\actualization deprivation" is the cruelest fate for the soul (far beyond physical suffering in my eyes).

Now, I know that Leo likely thinks this inequality is just as crazy as we do. At some point he does talk about actualization eventually becoming feasable for everyone, but he dosen't really say how. I really like "Morphic Resonance"... So, once enough humans actualize, the process would automatically become easier for the rest of the planet through a sort of subtle almost telepathic link (this has been proven with rats, crystals, etc spread across the world)...or perhaps as people become more enlightened they'd stop purchasing slave clothing, food, etc and open doors that way...I don't know...What's your theory?

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The bottom of the pyramid of self-actualization will always be bigger than the top of it.

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I agree that such derogations would be truly upsetting to one's personal empathies. However, one may take another point of view, they, those who you feel so despondent over, are actually 'making a living' in providing what they do. Of course, if would be wonderful if they had better circumstances and outcomes as they toil away their life. My wonderful Mother was as you describe, She worked long, long hours to produce enough money to feed the family (3 of us, no Daddy). In time She developed skills that lead Her to other 'jobs' and finally She 'clicked' with a job that was Her's the rest of Her life, it was not a wonderful job, I worked there of almost a year but found it truly degrading, but I was young and vibrant, endless energy and needed to do something exhausting so I would be able to sleep peacefully at night.

One truly doesn't understand the natures of another, not even in the family, for each has their own, respected, goals. I seldom question one's desires to 'do something' that is not in my nature, for, I am not them and have not a single clue to what they are trying to achieve. I am expressing the infinite as well as the finite, so where one goes, there they are (in their entire spectrum. 

Leo's videos are not truly meant to be 'soothing and peaceful' entertainment, they remain as sharp as a razor and if one is not careful, one will eventually get 'cut' (hurt) by such information, if one is not able to accept them as 'serving' us in our best interests. Many will, without a doubt, baulk at such fundamentally disturbing information, yet, it is only meant to 'serve' us, not prevent us from becoming whatever we desire. 

You stated that you are distraught over the implications that 'we' Westerners have it so 'easy' and are dependent upon others to 'serve' us, but, would you desire it to be the otherway around? Would you truly desire to be the 'servant' and not the recipient of such things? I am in constant gratitude that at all the wonderful 'things' that I have or able to provide for myself and family. I see abundance in our Nation and many are coming here to find the 'golden ring' of opportunity and many are finding it. My Parents immigrated to the US, as many have and are still doing, I am truly 'blessed' by such as what occurred before I was born. I have no needs, wants and very little desires at this time, I have abundance no matter if it is only a simple abundance, it remains abundantly available and such it wonderful to have available to them. 

good luck on your journeys and I hope you find the 'golden ring' of your desires. 




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Certainly 1st world countries exploit 3rd world countries, just like the Romans exploits the outskirts of their empire.

But also, it's not as bad as it used to be. At least it's not slavery anymore. There is lots of mobility in 3rd world countries for those that want it. The problem is that lack of infrastructure, government corruption, and poor education means that most citizens won't ever even discover self-actualization.

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That's an amazing response, thanks @ImDANiEL your mom sounds incredible!  To answer your question, yes and no. I would not want to work in a sweatshop, factory, etc...but I am one of those people that sews some of my own clothes, + makes other belongings, and I grow some of my own food (seasonally) . Yes, I do desire and prefer this ( personalized clothes, superior nutrition, etc). Would I like to spend all of my time sewing,  growing, fishing etc. with no time for personal development and hobbies, etc? No, I am very grateful for the abundance here too. I know Leo's video's aren't meant to be " soothing" ( I like that comment), but normally, if they shake me up, it's a good thing... something I can work on, etc...This concept is beyond that...i would love it, if like Leo's other videos, there was some sort of action I could take to "work on this"....

@Leo Gura Thanks for your honest response Leo! ....I think, I was hoping for comments with a little more hope.... that said, I'd rather hope be genuine. I personally feel that even though things have improved, the conditions and wages still = slavery, or at least a disturbingly close modern version. Governments may stay corrupt, but I can foresee the continuation of improvements in infrastructure and education.... perhaps in our lifetimes, actualization will even become part of the curriculum!




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