
What do you think happens when you die and is death a problem?

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There is probably not an objective answer but I am curious to know what other people think will happen to them when they die. I personally think that you're gone for good. My mom says that you're made out of energy and energy cannot be destroyed. I don't know what to think about death.

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The known comes to an end. Then there is the unknown, Freedom:)

It’s only a problem to the content that doesn’t want to let go of itself. 

Edited by Jack River

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8 minutes ago, Jack River said:

The known comes to an end. Then there is the unknown, Freedom:)

It’s only a problem to the content that doesn’t want to let go of itself. 

So it's basically like "since we're going to die anyways we should except that"? 

I view reality as a mechanism that creates and destroys. Everything that you can think of is a creation that will be destroyed. Not sure if this means that we are forever doomed in the universe or forever lucky.

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Just now, ajasatya said:

@Roman Edouard what were you before your birth? where did you come from?

I see myself as a biological machine that got created since two humans mated. If you create a robot in a lab to believe that it's alive then it will believe that. I feel that when you make a human then things run their course and you develop hard-wired beliefs such as: wanting to survive, believing that you have free will (which you don't), having a desire to understand, etc. And these beliefs happen at birth as survival mechanisms of the human machine. I see humans as robotic since they are very predictable and every human has a very similar personality. It's just like creating a game with algorithms of code. That's what a human is through my eyes.

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@Roman Edouard this kind of study doesn't work if you take the scientific approach of describing what things are, using the third person.

we're talking about the foundation of being.

WHAT is reading these word RIGHT NOW? where does IT come from?

unborn Truth

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Start with the content of self dude. The question of who were you before your birth is silly. Start with the psychological. The unknown or prior to birth question comes with freedom. 

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Just now, ajasatya said:

@Roman Edouard this kind of study doesn't work if you take the scientific approach of describing what things are, using the third person.

we're talking about the foundation of being.

WHAT is reading these word RIGHT NOW? where does IT come from?

I don't have a clue. Perhaps it will come to me one day or I will actively try to find out.

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Death is a concept in your mind created from an another one,

That you are a separate and autonomous entity called «insert your name/species»



God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

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1 minute ago, Shin said:



excellent call. that video was a turning point to me.

unborn Truth

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Disregard everything you here ablut ‘true self’ and understand self/ego..Save yourself years of illusion dude. 

Edited by Jack River

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But how can you be sure that non-duality is true? It could easily be the case that you are just an individual creation of a certain part of reality. Which is probably why you're only experiencing life as one person in a body. But how does that mean that you are "everything". What about all of the negative aspects of life, am I them as well? Could non-duality just be a coping mechanism just like the belief of god?

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2 minutes ago, Mikael89 said:

“If you want to know the future, look at the past.”

- Albert Einstein

I'm sure he said that since humans are very predictable. You can even predict what you are going to do today.

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You can't die, because you weren't born. But you might forget. Better to try and remember.

57% paranoid

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4 minutes ago, Roman Edouard said:

I'm sure he said that since humans are very predictable. You can even predict what you are going to do today.

Yeah that’s because thought anticipates the future and the that anticipation is a projection of the past. Thought is prediction according to past. Thought projects what is already know over and over again. 

Edited by Jack River

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3 minutes ago, Jack River said:

Yeah that’s because thought anticipates the future and the that anticipation is a projection of the past. Thought is prediction according to past. Thought projects what is already know over and over again. 

Well said

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@Roman Edouard this may sound generic but I think that acceptance of death is about acceptance of the emptiness of your being. Everyone, at least during some point, feels their existence to be empty. I currently think that once you are dead you return to the existence you had before you were born. 

This may sound tangiantial but bear with me. Have you ever meditated and reached a state of heightened awareness? There is this completely spontaneous present moment. The present moment is uncreated. You did nothing to create this present moment. There is no cause for anything. Just observe the origin of anything internal or external in your consciousness and pay attention to what is. To truly see through the illusion of past and future requires you cease clinging. If you reach this state you start to see the emptiness of your existence. I have found this very scary. But upon reaching this consciousness you are forced to confront the fact that emptiness is undeniably a core element of your being at all times, which is contrary to how we humans normally operate. We normally sweep emptiness under the rug. But if you let go you'll have a funny, surreal feeling inside. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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37 minutes ago, Roman Edouard said:

But how can you be sure that non-duality is true?

Start with the dual nature of the thinker. Understand the actuality of consciousness as it is now in yourself. 

Edited by Jack River

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31 minutes ago, Roman Edouard said:

But how can you be sure that non-duality is true? It could easily be the case that you are just an individual creation of a certain part of reality. Which is probably why you're only experiencing life as one person in a body. But how does that mean that you are "everything". What about all of the negative aspects of life, am I them as well? Could non-duality just be a coping mechanism just like the belief of god?

That's the trick, that's why so few people actually do it.

You have to read between the lines of every religions, spiritual teachers and sages.

Lots of sages were actually well known scientists, like Einstein, Da Vinci etc ...

Do your research and you will see that all those people are talking about the same thing, just with different words and perspectives.

If you don't that and/or don't also have faith that it is actually possible, then you're simply not wise enough (yet).


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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2 hours ago, Roman Edouard said:

Could non-duality just be a coping mechanism just like the belief of god?

Definitely dude. That’s why understanding the limitations of self is where we start. You are heading in the right direction man. What causes illusion? self. What prevents freedom to understand without bias/illusion? self and it’s psychological seeking. Starting with conclusions leads to illusion. Understanding our own limitation we don’t get caught in the traps of psychological becoming/illusion. 

Edited by Jack River

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