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Can a dream be higher than the truth?

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how, in which ways


Edited by Vingger

One’s center is not one’s center, it is the center of the whole. 

And the ego-center is one’s center.

That is the only difference, but that is a vast difference.- 

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Yeah, this is interesting.  I like this.  There's a paradox here that has to be fully appreciated as to both of its horns, as follows:

On the one hand think about how much of your life looking back on it was you imagining versus you being cognizant of what was actually there in your Experience.  In fact, we might say that a good chunk of your life was you being lost in fantasy about what might be versus what actually is the case for you.  And we all do it -- don't think I'm singling you out here.  That's all of our pasts -- how much of it was fantasy and how much of it was literal?  And we can't pooh pooh the fantasy, it was what it was -- it doesn't make sense to think reality should have been any different than it actually was for us.  To think otherwise would just be a Thought versus what was actually the case. 

On the other hand, and here's why I say your question is brilliant: Clinging to actuality is just as bad as clinging to Thought.  Lemme say it a different way -- Maya is part of what's here; illusion is part of what's here.  Thought is part of what's here.  For you to think you're gonna prohibit Thought from being here is you trying to control reality to your preference.  So, let's look at the horns of the paradox: Thought is here; actuality is here.  You don't want to neurotically cling to either.  And your existence will be an admixture of both.  And that's what is; that's not something to think should be otherwise.  To think reality should be otherwise is clinging to Thought.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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