
5-MeO Trip Report

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31 minutes ago, Arthur said:

Honestly, It feels like this is how humans suppose to live. We shouldn't be tormented by our minds, living in a fantasy world.

After a large mushroom dose, I usually spend the following week feeling those feelings and thinking those thoughts, but I sort of "forget" them as time goes on. I never really forget, but the actual experience of it fades. I don't know, maybe it's that way with 5-Meo as well. These substances really do show us new ways of looking at life, though. 

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@Arthur do you think your 5-MeO trip and ego death really helped recontextualize what you really wanted out of life along with the awakening of what God is?

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8 hours ago, kieranperez said:

@Arthur do you think your 5-MeO trip and ego death really helped recontextualize what you really wanted out of life along with the awakening of what God is?

It definitely did. I even feel like I've cheated since I'm not a huge spiritual seeker and haven't devoted decades of my life. And yet, I got more than I could have ever imagined possible.  

Actually, 5-meo is the only thing that helped me recontextualize reality and my own existence. None of my silly meditations and contemplations came even close. One of the first thing that happens after you take it, is that you realize how shallow all talk about spirituality is. Even Leo's advice, which I regard to be of highest value, really falls short from how deep this rabbit hole is. Talking about mysticism can help you as much as a picture of a fountain to a thirsty person.

First two weeks after my breakthrough, the recontextualization was more on a physical - body level. Basically what I described earlier in this post. I had strange sensations and unfamiliar feelings. It was unknown because I've never experienced them before or knew that they were even possible. Still, they were all aligned with what teachers like Adyashanty, Eckhart Tolle, and others described in their day to day life. It was like the peace that passes all understanding.

Now It's a bit different. I still have deep experiences occasionally,  though the intensity came down quite a bit. For me, the path now is to comprehend the experiences and embody them to the best of my ability. It's all about intellectual and existential understanding of who I am. I'm struggling a lot, but more and more the idea of not being separate from reality is creeping on me.

I still trip on an almost weekly basis, but each trip is different. I went beyond my breakthrough dose, but never had the same type of experience. My trips are still extremely profound and cannot be put into words. They help me cope with my non-existence and to get ever deeper insights. And it's easier to surrender when you've already died once.

Edited by Arthur

"Beyond fear, destiny awaits" - Dune


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@Arthur Just for my personnal knowledge, do you remember what where the quantities that you've taken in mg? What's a small dose, a medium dose and a heavy dose for you?

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What's the difference between 5-MEO-DMT and DMT?

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28 minutes ago, FredFred said:

@Arthur Just for my personnal knowledge, do you remember what where the quantities that you've taken in mg? What's a small dose, a medium dose and a heavy dose for you?

I'll post my doses but I don't recommend you use them as a reference. It really depends on how pure your substance is, and your body tolerance.

My preferred RoA is plugging,

My first 3 trips were mild (small dose), and the doses were under 30mg. I posted a trip report "Trip Insights with 5-MeO".

My medium dose with a heavy body load happened at 42mg plugged.

My breakthrough dose was 56mg plugged.

After my breakthrough, I did 3 trips at 44mg, 67mg, 68mg. (though some substance stays in the syringe sometimes.)

But again, you have to figure out what works for your body. Actually, you will get more benefit from starting small and going up. Threat it as a prescribed medicine that your doctor gave you. Be careful with it and take it regularly. Don't dive in head-on and then never come back to it. The doses ultimately are not important. Each trip builds on your previous experience and state of openness.

Edited by Arthur

"Beyond fear, destiny awaits" - Dune


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9 minutes ago, Sven said:

What's the difference between 5-MEO-DMT and DMT?

I don't know about regular DMT. I only tried a tiny bit (1 gram) of mushroom, and that's all my experience with other psychedelics.

As far as 5-MeO goes. I really don't know what this substance is or how it works fundamentally. It does miracles that's for sure, but what it is existentially I can't answer. 

My best "scientific" speculation would be that it is a neurotransmitter that is activated during peak experiences, such as childbirth or death, to help the body/mind cope with the process. It disables the part of your brain that is responsible for your sense of self. You experience Ego death, which is real death because the Ego is who you are. When the Ego is dead, you melt into nothingness, which cannot be described or spoken about.

"Beyond fear, destiny awaits" - Dune


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If anyone does know: I've been wondering about this for some time now :P

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1 hour ago, Arthur said:

I'll post my doses but I don't recommend you use them as a reference. It really depends on how pure your substance is, and your body tolerance.

My preferred RoA is plugging,

My first 3 trips were mild (small dose), and the doses were under 30mg. I posted a trip report "Trip Insights with 5-MeO".

My medium dose with a heavy body load happened at 42mg plugged.

My breakthrough dose was 56mg plugged.

After my breakthrough, I did 3 trips at 44mg, 67mg, 68mg. (though some substance stays in the syringe sometimes.)

But again, you have to figure out what works for your body. Actually, you will get more benefit from starting small and going up. Threat it as a prescribed medicine that your doctor gave you. Be careful with it and take it regularly. Don't dive in head-on and then never come back to it. The doses ultimately are not important. Each trip builds on your previous experience and state of openness.

Wow those are quite high dosages xD

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@Arthur what I meant more was, has this trip reoriented what you want out of life? As an outsider who hasn't taken 5-MeO yet, I personally want to take it just to have all my lies and falsehoods fall away so I can both die as an ego and "come back" having a deeper understanding of what my "authentic self" wants. So yes the God part, but also come to the core of what I deeply want to make my life about, even if it is all totally meaningless.

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3 hours ago, Sven said:

What's the difference between 5-MEO-DMT and DMT?

In what sense do you want to know about their differences? 

In terms of effects: DMT tends to be a more richly visual/sensual detailed experience that leaves the ego fairly intact, whereas 5-MeO-DMT is more void of content and is highly ego dissolving.

To me they are somewhat polar opposites, or two sides of the same coin.

*disclaiminer: I've never tried DMT, only 5-MeO-DMT, but I've tried a lot of drugs that orbit around DMT, and am a major drug nerd, so this is the understanding I've garnered from a lot of reading and experience with substances that are close to DMT

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3 hours ago, Sven said:

What's the difference between 5-MEO-DMT and DMT?

One entertains you the ego (DMT). The other one kills you the ego (5-MeO).

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28 minutes ago, kieranperez said:

@Arthur what I meant more was, has this trip reoriented what you want out of life? As an outsider who hasn't taken 5-MeO yet, I personally want to take it just to have all my lies and falsehoods fall away so I can both die as an ego and "come back" having a deeper understanding of what my "authentic self" wants. So yes the God part, but also come to the core of what I deeply want to make my life about, even if it is all totally meaningless.

You mean like changing my life purpose? I'm still doing what I was doing before for work and mastery, which is electronics and programming. Spirituality although extremely important, is not my outside purpose. I don't want to be a spiritual teacher for a living. 

But everything I did after having those insights became very deep. I feel less attached to my own mind and able to see things with lesser Ego fog. I feel like those trips propelled me into SD stage Yellow. Because I'm less attached to any particular perspective (including my own), I am able to see everything more clearly. That includes my work, my relationships, my psychology, and spirituality. I'm able to think deeper and be more receptive to wisdom. Because I care less for my own ego and don't cling, insights just blossom everywhere.

I think 5-meo can help you figure what you want to do in life. Having gone through some of the experiences, you are able to see things clearer.  If it is your life purpose, you might find something that is really true for you, and not what the ego is projecting.

Edited by Arthur

"Beyond fear, destiny awaits" - Dune


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