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Sadhguru says hooking up damages the body?

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Now I am a fan of Sadhguru but I don’t want to just blindly accept everything he says. The man spits much truth but I mean this just really got me thinking. 

What do you guys think and react to this. A wise sage is saying that by having many physical partners every weekend, you are damaging the body’s memory and setting yourself up for misery. If he is right then can you help me understand why that is the case?

He is saying “you take in wild amounts of memory and create physical (memory) confusion” when you are having sex with many people or getting physical with many people. He calls this body memory that picks up on anything it touches, and remembers it as Runana bandha.

But then he goes on to say that really its not just sex that he is singling out. On a deeper level you want to keep your body’s memory as simple as possible to let your inner intelligence be the dominating force in your life. This is why he only eats one meal, eats clean, doesn’t touch too many people, etc. 

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@zunnyman only accept as valid what you can validate on your own. it doesn't matter who says it.

always ask yourself: "is it compatible with my own direct experience of life?"

unborn Truth

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If a rock song, boxing trainers, and a spiritual Guru all basically say the same there is probably some truth to it.

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