
I’m Sorry

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For helping people on here without being spiritually enlightened. Without having dissolved my ego, and to have embodied the light that I am.

Undeniably these past few months have been strongly calling me to God, and tonight I meet that call with wide open arms.

I have always been honest on here, sharing my understanding and personal experiences, even if they were limited. I have wanted only the best for people, only to realize I have to surrender who i think I am to live that purpose to its full potential. 

So it’s not that I will no longer teach, or push away any experience externally. I will embrace it all, by simply surrendering to my Heart, because that is where the energy of Divine Love is most concentrated, and therefore easiest to dissolve into in theory.

Thank you for listening to what I had to say, and teaching me to not be afraid of who I am, and to have courage. To spread my wings and be free.

I will not let fear keep me in my mind, where throughout my life I always did what other people wanted so I could be accepted, and feel even a little bit of love. But for the last few years I had received no love, there was a big hole where my heart was meant to be. School exacerbated this sadness, and added a dash of stress which lead me over the edge to find some way to feel Love and get out of my monkey mind, that used fear to motivate everything I did.

And now I am here telling you all that I have caught a glimmer of this inner experience of love I was always trying to find, I have tasted it in meditation upon my Heart; and I say simply that I will no longer put a mental barrier, or a person, or a situation, or partner between me and God. 

As best that I can I choose love. I don’t know what actions it will inspire externally which is what scares me the most, but how else can I become one with God, but to surrender my ego entirely, which is what used to make the decisions. All fears too, big or small, I must ultimately let go of if I want nothing to make me feel seperate from the universe.

And with this understanding, the only option for me at least is surrendering to Love, regardless of my fears or what my mind tells me. I really am dedicated, I am not the type of person who says something and dosen’t do it, this is real for me. This surrender is not light hearted, it’s the the result of years of practice, and it’s the final step to liberation that I hope for as many people as possible to cross.

I am an empowered creative being of light. And I am here to serve the will of God, by surrendering to that light within the center of who I am and who you are as well.

It sounds like a sacrifice, but in my limited time in the breathe in deep meditation, I can tell you that it feels bliss, a bliss so strong that it brings up all your fears to be healed, until all there is is this river of love that flows from your heart, and through your eyes without a single rock to change the water from its natural still, and creative (free-flowing) state. And even when you see your fears for what they are, even when you feel discomfort in your emotions from this, can I still stay centered in who I am? No matter what, can I always stay centered in who I am?

Its a gentle shift from head to heart. It’s the Truth I choose to embody, because I’m ready to let go of all attachments, to not suffer, and be who I was always meant to become.

Thank you for reading! *High Five*

Have a good day.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Thank you all so much.  It means a lot you read this post.

This is a time where we enter the light together standing for who we are within even if it is sometimes challenging.

I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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I am the beauty I am becoming
I am authentic
I am enjoying the journey being me
I am being true to myself
I am talented and inspired through my creativity
I am who I am
I know myself well and I live an authentic life
I love who I am
I surround myself with others I enjoy being with.
I am present for others
I open myself to receiving others who love me for who I am
Being myself, others embrace me, and this makes me more of who I am
I live an authentic life
I am worthy, it’s who I am
I keep true to myself
I am honest with who I am and what I love
I feel at ease being me
I surround myself with authentic people
I share my opinions with ease
I am safe with who I am
I am happy to show my true colors
I am perfect  with my imperfections
I am surrounded by precious gifts that life has to offer
I gift my gifts for others to share
I live my life unapologetically
I choose to wear clothes that feel good for me
I allow others to live their lives for who they are
I am rewarded with abundance from the Universe, by being true to who I am
Moment by moment, I remain true to my values
I let go of others with ease and grace, of those who no longer serve my authentic needs.

The kingdom of heaven is within.

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  On 10/19/2018 at 5:53 AM, Solace said:

Its a gentle shift from head to heart. It’s the Truth I choose to embody, because I’m ready to let go of all attachments, to not suffer, and be who I was always meant to become.

@Solace Not a "becoming" but a a remembering of what you've always been. 

And you've found it. :)

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  On 10/19/2018 at 8:27 PM, cetus56 said:

Not a "becoming" but a a remembering of what you've always been. 

Could also be seen as an ending of remembrance huh..

Pretty cool. We eventually see that the becoming is the projection of the rememberance. Totally crazy how it all falls into place with that mega insight heh?

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  On 10/19/2018 at 9:31 PM, Jack River said:

Could also be seen as an ending of remembrance huh..

@Jack River It's a remembering beyond all memories within time and space. This rememberance trancends that.:)

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  On 10/19/2018 at 10:10 PM, cetus56 said:

@Jack River It's a remembering beyond all memories with time and space. This rememberance trancends that.:)

I feel ya doggy. The unknowable recognizes itself as such :D

Edited by Jack River

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  On 10/19/2018 at 10:18 PM, Jack River said:

I feel ya doggy. The unknowable recognizes itself as such :D

@Jack River Consciousness is awakening unto itself. It has nothing to do with "Me" at all. 

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  On 10/19/2018 at 10:29 PM, cetus56 said:

@Jack River Consciousness is awakening unto itself. It has nothing to do with "Me" at all. 

That’s right dude. 


  On 10/19/2018 at 10:29 PM, cetus56 said:

Consciousness is awakening unto itself


  On 10/19/2018 at 10:18 PM, Jack River said:

The unknowable recognizes itself as such 

It’s Most excellent. 

Edited by Jack River

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  On 10/19/2018 at 10:35 PM, Jack River said:

It’s Most excellent. 

@Jack River And it never knows it is.   Only the "I" as the 10,000 things knows it is most excellent.

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  On 10/19/2018 at 10:41 PM, cetus56 said:

@Jack River And it never knows it is.

Yep. It’s not a knowing. Thought comes in and says how excellent that actuality wasxD

the remembering, the knowing, the becoming is not. The silence of nothingness/unknown 

Edited by Jack River

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Floating out in sea in in total silence. This unknown is always so empty. Crazy crazy

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