
Introducing someone you love to spirituality

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This question's been bothering me for a while. I sometimes get asked why I started my meditation practice. Of course I could give the boring reasons as an answer (reducing stress, better concentration at school, etc.), but I always find it difficult to say exactly why i started doing it, that is to experience the true nature of reality.

It's not because I don't know what to say to them, I just don't want to sound like a complete lunatic. I want to make them really reflect on what got me into spirituality and maybe even get them interested with trying the practice themselves.

Let's say my father ask me why I meditate. My father has a very orange side of thinking. He studied science in university, he does mathematics and business now at his job and thinks every religious person is a lower-being. Knowing that, how should I even start talking to him about the subject of spirituality? How would I spark that interest in him?

As I said I've been reflecting on that question for a while now. I even have a google document with a couple pages of ideas in it haha. For some reasons, I just can't figure out what to tackle first in these kinds of situation.

Edited by FredFred

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You explain its to grasp the nature of reality or be like, to see what I am when I am still and not distracted by the "external world" Then you question the crap out of his beliefs haha. Thats one way.

Also ask him if he actually studied spirituality? does he actually know anything about it, or does he derive his ideas from assumptions vs. personal experience.


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First of all do you have trust from your father or does he think you're some kid who doesn't know anything? :D

If you want to influence people, first of all you need to earn their trust. They have to see you as inteligent being. Otherwise mostly people will not be willing to listen to someone that they think is less smart.

Gaining that trust is the key but it takes a lot of work, time, energy, responsiblity, wisdom, everything. When you have that trust, even if you say something that makes no sense they will not leave. They will be willing to listen and be patient. But if they have no respect and trust for you, the moment you say something that they don't understand - you're finnished :D they will leave..

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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