Hardik jain

Why Do I Grow Only When I Face Pain?

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Why do I not grow when everything is going fine? Why do I become lazy then? Can anyone help me tackle this problem. I want to keep growing no matter what the circumstances are.

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@Hardik jain , for the same reason why you have a back pain when you carry 30 kilos on your back, and no pain when you just walk around.. 


We all learn through pain until we understand that the carefree walk in the park, has its lessons too if you pay attention (present moment/awareness)



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In Mastery by George Leonard there is a great analogy (he took it from an old zen master I believe), of four horses.
Horse A runs perfectly without its master picking up its whip. Horse B runs well right as the master is about to whip it. Horse C runs only when the whip touches it. Horse D runs only when the whip is at its bones.

We all want to be horse A, but actually, it's best to be horse D. Horse A has never faced a moment of hardship in its life, it doesn't know what pain means and doesn't have a tolerance for it, and it would likely die if it was released into the wild, not having someone to obey. Horse D knows what it's like to be stubborn in its own choices, to have endured pain and to tolerate and recover from it, and ultimately will come out the strongest horse in the end.

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As you move further along your path, you'll start to experience "pain" so differently. 

Early on, it's so hard to work your way through, but that's how you get free. It will change if you keep going, you'll know what I mean. And it's worth it. 

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It takes discipline to rewire your motivation from negative to positive.

Society has rotted our brains and made us into lazy twats by default. When life is so easy, every bit of self-discipline becomes intolerable.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I have never seen anybody like you before. Dude, you've changed the way I do everything. Please tell me what I can do for you? I want to help you in someway.

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On 4/1/2016 at 10:25 AM, Hardik jain said:

Why do I not grow when everything is going fine? Why do I become lazy then? Can anyone help me tackle this problem. I want to keep growing no matter what the circumstances are.

The short of it is because you are functioning as the identity, if you want to grow all the time, spend more time as a being of consciousness.

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The problems in the world were made so that you don’t get stuck and attached to this world. You get stuck with this world even though there are so many problems. Imagine if there are no problems, then you will never want to leave this material world!
Problems are here in this world so that we can realize our purpose in this world.
Want, or desire, arises when you are not happy. Have you seen this? When you are very happy then there is contentment. Contentment means no want.

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On April 5, 2016 at 5:29 AM, Henri said:

Want, or desire, arises when you are not happy. Have you seen this? When you are very happy then there is contentment. Contentment means no want.

@Henri Thanks for pointing this out...it's so very true. 

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On 4/5/2016 at 5:29 AM, Henri said:

The problems in the world were made so that you don’t get stuck and attached to this world. You get stuck with this world even though there are so many problems. Imagine if there are no problems, then you will never want to leave this material world!
Problems are here in this world so that we can realize our purpose in this world.
Want, or desire, arises when you are not happy. Have you seen this? When you are very happy then there is contentment. Contentment means no want.

This sounds nice, but it's totally false. It's just a bunch of religious dogma. 

"Contentment means no want"? That's just a way to trap people into believing they are doing it wrong, that the yogis and gurus know and have achieved something so profound, but really it's a big fat lie. There's no such thing as no want or desire. Each of us has unique talents and abilities. We are supposed to want to discover them and use them to make our own lives wonderful. And when each of us on our own are living what we are meant to, heaven on earth becomes our collective experience. 


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