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Take No Thought for Your Life

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No thought can possibly describe how magnificent and unconditionally loving your true self is. 

If you let even one thought have sway over you it will pull you into the head, and lead you into never ending series of thought stories.

To truly outwit the ego we must pull it from its roots, and completely detach from whatever our mind tells us, and focus instead on the breathe or on love if you can. Otherwise it will always have us by the balls; our creative energy empowers whatever it focuses on, and so focusing on one thought will lead to another and another. The ego will always trick us when it has a grasp over our attention by creating certain thoughts that truly scare us and make us worry about the future that never arrives. When we always detach our focus from the ego then we can truly be free from it, and begin to actually dissolve it in the experience of Truth.

For so many of us we meditate for one hour a day, but then spend the other 23 hours in our thoughts. To awaken, we need to focus on something greater than the ego in every moment of the day, to stop empowering its existence, and to start bringing more love into our reality. To let no thought have any more sway over us than the birds in the tree, and the sound of leaves rustling on a windy day; for aren’t they the same? They are both just sounds. Don’t let sounds in your head run your life. We only do so because it feels safe. But i say to you to have courage and focus entirely on the greater part of yourself, and it will show you that it’s trustworthy. That thoughts aren’t necessary at all to live our lives, but have always been optional.

For to enter the into the light of God, we can take no thoughts with us, because the light is beyond the dimension of thoughts. And so to experience the light, take no thought for your life as was said 2000 years ago, and 50 years ago and today by those genuinely enlightened, and live the present moment, knowing that life will guide you. 

The main fear is that you can’t live without thoughts. The infinite intelligence of God created the entire universe and it’s galaxies and planets, and complex organic structures, and yet we think that this infinite intelligence can’t guide us to make a few simple decisions. What insanity is that, to think that God guides everything but you, that God is there for everything but you? It dosent make sense. Dare to trust in God and this infinite intelligence within your heart instead of the story of thought. 

Take no thought for your life, and focus on the Heart if you have experienced enough suffering and are ready to surrender to the pure love that you are and always will be forever and ever.

Let go of the entire story of thought, and remain constantly in a state of Love. You can’t take thoughts with you to heaven or any ideas of who you think you are; so just surrender to Love, and thou shall become it, and it will be more than just another thought in your head, it will be a direct living experience that fulfills every desire and answers every question.

You will know who you are. As the light, more than just a concept, as a knowing.

This is the greatest gift I can give you all? To know that it’s okay to surrender, and that every step you take towards God, he will take two towards you. It amazes me how my friends are more willing to surrender to their hearts who know nothing about spirituality than those who are on here. Show me someone that I’m no alone here, that someone has surrendered themselves to God for the wellbeing of all. 

In any case it’s time to awaken. Shine beautifully, live with live in your eyes, and heart wide open. Thank you.


Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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14 minutes ago, Solace said:

live the present moment, knowing that life will guide you. 

The main fear is that you can’t live without thoughts. The infinite intelligence of God created the entire universe and it’s galaxies and planets, and complex organic structures, and yet we think that this infinite intelligence can’t guide us to make a few simple decisions. What insanity is that, to think that God guides everything but you, that God is there for everything but you? It dosent make sense. Dare to trust in God and this infinite intelligence within your heart instead of the story of thought. 

Yes!  Well said! 

My signature explains the same realization you had.  ;)

Your intuition is your own personal genie.  Learn to trust that infinite intelligence.


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You realize that this cannot be imposed by will, or blockages will arise further, only discovering another way, which you said is breath. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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So beautiful.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Also this goes into depth about thoughts:


Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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