
I talk to myself

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Hello everyone. I don't know for sure if this is the right place to talk about my situation, but I think it does need to be adressed somewhere on this forum.

I talk to myself. I just discovered that it isn't something people do and that it creeps them out. I also only recently noticed it at all. My sister woke up because I was talking to myself while coming upstairs. 

Is there anyone who knows something about this? I looked on the internet and all I could find were ''talking to yourself isn't crazy'' kind of articles. I don't even know if I should agree with that statement. 

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@Ampresus Actually a lot of people talk to themselves. some more often than others but it's totally normal. I read an article about it once and it said that most people talk to themselves because when you talk to yourself you can express your thoughts more easily and gain more clarity on your thoughts. If you ask others they will tell you that they do it, too but some people might lie about it or even not know it consciously.

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Too much on the mind side of things brings up this kind of behaviour.

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@Ampresus gosh honestly I thought everyone talked to themselves.  Sometimes its the only way to get intelligent conversation :P (sorry, that was a joke my dad always said)

the other running joke is : it's ok to talk to yourself, as long as you don't start answering!

but honestly I answer myself too. I guess I must be crazy. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

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Alan Watts pointed out how it's funny that everyone talks to themselves in their own heads, but as soon as someone does it out loud we all think they're crazy.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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Same. I talk to myself

It's why I chew gum, so it looks like I'm normal :P 

Also, I sometimes move my mouth but make no noise in public. I see it as another way of thinking just as @sarapr said, it's a lot easier

Some even say talking to yourself boosts focus and high cognitive functioning. I know for a fact that this is true for me.


You're not human, you're the universe

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One thing I heard is that people who think about things a lot might even talk out loud. But from my own experience I've seen that people who have a very quiet mind might be desperate for thoughts at times, ending up with talking to yourself.

And another things is that you might be asking for outside perspectives, creating thought patterns of talking with yourself or creating people/perspectives to talk to. This might happen especially when lonely.

I doubt you'll need to think about being crazy right away 

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I do it too. 

I have permanently locked myself out of my account to force myself to focus on my work. Goodbye.

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I sometimes talk to myself and act generally goofy when I have an abundance of tense energy, Its no big deal, youre not crazy lol.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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21 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

but honestly I answer myself too. I guess I must be crazy. 

@seeking_brilliance You are not alone my friend, I caught myself doing it too many times :P

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21 hours ago, YaNanNallari said:

One thing I heard is that people who think about things a lot might even talk out loud. But from my own experience I've seen that people who have a very quiet mind might be desperate for thoughts at times, ending up with talking to yourself.

And another things is that you might be asking for outside perspectives, creating thought patterns of talking with yourself or creating people/perspectives to talk to. This might happen especially when lonely.

I doubt you'll need to think about being crazy right away 

@YaNanNallari I can relate to this for most of the time. I think a lot, looking from outside perspectives is something I have only recently been doing. The lonely party I can relate to when I was a bit younger than now.  Jeez what was I a good buddy to myself 

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While I was driving somewhere last week, I saw a dude walking down the street alone and he was really jabbering outloud to himself, hands occasionally flailing as though he were trying to convey his point to someone. My first thought was "Damn, that guy's got troubles," but my next thought was something like "I talk to myself too, so there's only a very thin line separating what he and I do."  I would like to get to the point where the second thought becomes my first, regardless of the person or the behavior.

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Sometimes I tell myself a joke and lmao. The thing is, I never heard it before. It's like I have an invisible twin.

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29 minutes ago, PsiloPutty said:

@cetus56  xD Not knowing whether you're serious or not makes it even funnier!

@PsiloPutty @SgtPepper  I'm not sure either. How can you tell the difference? Or is there one?

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@PsiloPutty No I'm quite serious. The voice tells me jokes. For instance "The Silence of the Clams".

"And what did you you hear in the night Clarice? Was it the slaughter of the spring clams?" Yes! I I tried to save just a few. So I grabbed a bushel of clams and ran away with them as fast and far as I could.  But the bushel became to heavy. So I spilled them out and said "Run little clams! Be Free! But they just stayed there and wouldn't run".

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