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When the mind is turbulant, its like boiling water.

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When the mind is turbulent, its like boiling water thus you only see what the mind is projecting at the given moment thus not actually seeing reality for what it really is. When the mind is calm, its like warm water, you now start to peek through reality and see it for what it really is rather than the projection of subconscious conditioning/bought into belief systems and mental projections.

When the mind is silent, its like ice, crystallized manifest of pure consciousness, radiant, cool and clear. This is when you see the geometry, the fabric and fractalized consciousness/building blocks of the universe itself. This is when you are in direct download mode, when you download data/information or shall we say Remember who you truly are and radiate creator consciousness energy.

See, we think we use the mind to project via eyes and see, but we only see what the mind has been conditioned to see, When the mind is silent, we see reality with the Awareness within thus we see it for what it really is. We may have to eyes to look but there is only one that Sees and that is within.

This is why spending time in nature, in solitude, meditation, mindfulness, away from society, away from media, away from the conditioning and stimulations, especially mental stimulations is key to accessing the awareness you are within and tapping into your infinite potential and being who you truly are and expressing more of that energy to reshape the reality and finally live to your fullest potential being one with the universal way.

The more time you spend in an environment where the energy is UN-touched or manipulated by the hand of man, the more your true, divine, enlightened, child-like, infinitely creative, infinitely intelligent, Unconditionally loving self you become. Its very simple, the question is how much you really want it but i guarantee as soon as you get a taste of your own divinity, nothing else will come close in comparison with how home this makes you feel and how proud and alive you can become, once again.

Its pointless to your understanding to be any other way once you are touched with Divine Truth. The most impossibly sounding thing in the universe for you is usually the most simple, but when the mind is there, its impossible and complex, when the mind is disciplined, life becomes pure simplicity.


Edited by pluto


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So true. Going out and lying down on the grass in my boxers with the sun warming my skin and organs feels expanding (always am more relaxed afterwards), and makes it easier to stay heart open, and mind empty :) I have yet to go deep in the woods surrounded by nature, but I imagine it will be magical, especially when rooted in the knowing that all is god, and all is love. 

I feel at home reading this.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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For all of you who can't take the time to go into magical forests - here is a Swedish one for you ?


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for me when im in nature my mind is especially irritable, because of all the bugs and flies, dirt, heat, fatigue, physical aches and boredom. it starts running out of control like a wild beast and i cant control it.

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4 hours ago, Solace said:

 I have yet to go deep in the woods surrounded by nature, but I imagine it will be magical, especially when rooted in the knowing that all is god, and all is love. 

@Solace That's the best IMO. If you sit in the woods long enough with a truly silent mind eventually all will merge into god. I can't even explain it exactly with words. Just try it yourself.

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How about a walk up a ravine in Florida, USA?

Bonus effect: put it into a smartphone VR headset and use it to help you get to sleep/ dream incubation/ lucid dream inducer. 


Edited by seeking_brilliance

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@Viking That's Nature or The Universe (whichever works for you) testing you, its pushing you so you grow, eventually not a single thing will phase you. You must go through the darkness, through the madness and welcome it with love and gratitude, eventually it has no option but to transcend into light.

Close your eyes and enjoy :)


Edited by pluto


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