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Chronic Fatigue, Possible causes?

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on most days(not all) I feel a constant fatigue feeling throughout my body. 

Description of the feeling:

There is an overall tiredness feeling. Its slightly different to the feeling of sleepiness, in that the feeling has a bit of an irritation feeling, its highly linked to anger: causes anger in myself, and also amplifies my brain's resistance to emotionally and physically laborious tasks, such as meditation, engineering work, maths work, etc. If I try and sleep, that feeling will still be there, yet I doubt my body will actually sleep. 

The feeling is hard to localise, but it feels like its coming from my head and chest (heart and 3rd eye chakras). 


What I have tried to overcome it, and the results that came after it:

1. I have tried sleeping more (9 hours a day). There have been days where I have felt more energy (at the levels I want) where I slept 12-13 hours that night, yet these days are inconsistent and only very rare. On most days I sleep better, I would feel just as tired, and my body would spontaneously wake up tired, where I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep(it would spontaneously wake up with only 6-7 hours of sleep in a few cases, with no external stimuli to cause it, my body rarely can keep asleep for more than 8 hours)

2. Lower carb diet: I have tried a medium low carb diet, say about 30-50 grams of carbs a day. The diet would mainly consist of eggs, meat a small amount of kale and onion and tomato and cocoa fat (from 90% dark chocolate), all cooked not raw. After trying this diet, I have not noticed a change in my tiredness, what I have noticed suprisingly is that I actually feel slightly less tired when I have more carbs. On this diet I barely have any fruit and definitely no sugar. 

Other information:

I regularly meditate on a daily basis (for about 1 hour)

I do have ingestion problems. If I have gluten or milk, I will have diarrhoea. I have had a gluten and dairy diet ever since I was a child, up to a year ago, because my parents didn't know any better/were ignorant on the harmful effects of a child having diarrhoea weekly. While I do occasionally have gluten and lactose (maybe at most once a month) since then (due to changing diets after all this time being a real struggle), on most days I will have a lower carb gluten and lactose free and organic diet. I have been doing this diet for about 8 months now. 

I also feel more hungry than I should be, considering I eat about 1800 to 2000 calories a day. I definitely do not feel full, and I even feel slightly hungry constantly. Yet this could just be because I am fatigued (it certainly feels this way). 

Another weird thing I have, is difficulty catching my breathe. I constantly feel like I am not getting enough oxygen, and consequently yawn a lot. 


What possibly could I try to relieve my fatigue? Of course as expected, the local GP has done a very poor, infact negative job on my condition. Would you suggest any specific alternative medicine sect to try which is especially good at fatigue resolution? What about diet? Is there anything I'm missing?

Edited by electroBeam

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5 hours ago, electroBeam said:

What possibly could I try to relieve my fatigue? Of course as expected, the local GP has done a very poor, infact negative job on my condition

Have they done any testing? (blood pressure, ECG, blood work, haematocrit...). I'd be especially interested in the Full Blood Count and blood pressure (anaemia and/or adrenal weakness potential). Do you know your usual resting heart rate? 

6 hours ago, electroBeam said:

Another weird thing I have, is difficulty catching my breathe. I constantly feel like I am not getting enough oxygen, and consequently yawn a lot.

Does it feel like your throat is closing? When you exhale rapidly by mouth does it make this wheezy (like whistle) sound? Does it get worse when you lay down? 

6 hours ago, electroBeam said:

I would feel just as tired, and my body would spontaneously wake up tired, where I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep

is there a particular time during which you usually wake up? 


6 hours ago, electroBeam said:

I also feel more hungry than I should be, considering I eat about 1800 to 2000 calories a day. I definitely do not feel full, and I even feel slightly hungry constantly.

Have you ever tried tracking your caloric and macro/micro intake? Something like using cronometer. I'd also try that for couple days to see if you are getting enough nutrition and calories. Sometimes we tend to overestimate how much we eat. 


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43 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

Have they done any testing? (blood pressure, ECG, blood work, haematocrit...). I'd be especially interested in the Full Blood Count and blood

I was under the border for both b12 and iron in my youth (4 years ago) but now b12 is hovering just above the border after my diet changes. I should have payed more attention to Iron though. The doctor didnt test me on that because he felt like it wasn't a problem. My blood pressure is around 146 units. 

43 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

 Do you know your usual resting heart rate? 

right now its 64. I was diagnosed with having a murmur at birth and can hear every beat of my heart without touching my pulse. 

43 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

Does it feel like your throat is closing? When you exhale rapidly by mouth does it make this wheezy (like whistle) sound? Does it get worse when you lay down? 

No wheezing that I can hear. 

I have a very strong sensation that my throat is closed. It sort of feels like when you get a cramp in your neck muscles and your neck is squeezing. 

Not sure if this is relevant, but I constantly have a very irritating lump of mucus/snot inside my throat. It feels like (feels not saying its actually true, just describing a sensation) that the mucus is also contributing to the throat close problem. 

43 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

is there a particular time during which you usually wake up? 

6-7am almost repetitively. 

43 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

Have you ever tried tracking your caloric and macro/micro intake? Something like using cronometer. I'd also try that for couple days to see if you are getting enough nutrition and calories. Sometimes we tend to overestimate how much we eat. 

I haven't to be honest, thanks for the suggestion. 


Which tests would you suggest I should ask for next time I see a doctor? The doctor routinely gives me generic advice on how to solve the problem. He tells me to ensure I am not depressed, getting enough sleep and excising. I wish my problem would go away with doing those things, but it hasn't. What would you suggest for the doctor to prompt him to look for a more deep cause if there is anything I could say? And would you suggest any particular diet changes I should make + any breathing exercises to make my throat bigger?

Edited by electroBeam

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Unnoticed tension in the body & resistant thinking (the opposite is putting how you feel first) burns energy. But, it’s tricky as it’s ‘mind’, there is no source of energy for the body, in actuality, only in appearance. 

This will perpetuate a low vibration, and often, food is used in an attempt to raise the vibration. (A hamburger, fries, & a shake sound great if you’re vibration is low, and sounds terrible if your vibration is already high). The relativity at play between self vibration, and food, can be quite a trap, as eating the ‘happy’ triggering foods, actually perpetuates the lower vibration. You have probably notice there are even enlightened masters who are still in full separation, full denial, of body. 


The folcrum, is how one thinks, of one’s self. 

No - self philosophy can be catastrophically draining. 

Putting self first, means aligning with well being, health, truth, honesty - paradoxically allowing then, the opportunity to have something to give to others - via an otherwise unfathomable ‘amount of energy’ which is, always was, and always will be. ❤️

Entire lifetimes have been spent by self searching for truth of no-self. In these cases, Self is only discovered in death. ?

It’s ok to acknowledge it feels good to love, and to accept that you, ElectroBeam, YOU, are deserving of love. The giver & receiver of all things. Unified, inseparable. Infinitely, unconditionally, loving. You are worthy of this. You are this. 



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Possibly lower core atrophy/blockages. Grounding will resolve this. 

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Like hellspeed said, grounding will give you more energy, be in nature more. Also add some adaptogens supplements and nootropics. I read that you eat tomatoes, which is a nightshade veggie. Many people cant tolerate nightshades so maybe thats irritating you as well? I'd do the autoimmune elimination diet. It takes at least a year to see long lasting results.

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Blood test for all vitamins and minerals to look for deficiencies...

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I also dealt with chronic fatigue. I am experimenting with the Ayurvedic diet and my energy level has become much higher. I have been very active and productive this past week because of it. Its not a "one size fits all" diet. It explains how to customize your diet to your body type. I highly recommend it. The particular book I am experimenting from is "Ayurveda (Idiot's Guides)" by Sahara Rose Ketabi

Edited by fernandomeza_
Misspelled some words

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I have a feeling you have a lot of emotions and trauma locked in your body and it decided to to have a say. You need to find a way to resolve it.

Here's an interesting article:

I don't know if the method he proposes is good (I am so far releasing it by meditation) but maybe worth of trying. In any case the theory is worth getting yourself familiar with.

Plus what Nahm said :)

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