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Enachescu Dragos

Is this an insight or a delusion?

6 posts in this topic

(Sry for my english)So 2 years ago I found out about enlightment and I went into deppresion,it got to the point that it feels like I m losing my mind.7 months ago I had my first lsd trip and I was in "hell" for 10 hours.After the trip ended I was and still em depersonalized and derealized.The past 7 months were hell and I had ego backlash after ego backlash,no insight it was just suffering. But tonight something strange happend.I realized that I'm consciousness and awerness. Let me give an example.It feelt like I was the awerness and nothing else.It felt like all of my life I thought I was the body and the body was like a flashlight,and tonight I realized that I m the light that is produce by the flashlighte not the flashlite itself,in this context the flashlight=the body and the light=awerness/consciousness.Is this an insight?to me it feels like it is.This is literaly the first time in my life that I feel like I got an insight.

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@i am I AM Nothing for example now I look at my room and it feels like I m the empty space between my body and the rooms walls

Edited by Enachescu Dragos

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@i am I AM Its like this, in  felt like i was the empty space between my body and the walls




Edited by Enachescu Dragos
the new image is better suited for describing my experience

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@Natasha That is why I added delusion at the title,right after it happend my mind was like neah this is another delusion of yours.

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