
connect/ interlink and balance(?) left and right brain

1 post in this topic

Hey there,

once in meditation I got to the point where my brain stood under enormous vibration.

These vibrations where going from my left to right brain. And the other way.

Maybe not going from anywhere to nowhere, but just being a resonance (hard to tell (and no need to know at this point))

Not only my brain but my hole body felt this balance.

I never sensed a feeling of inner balance like this before and again.

Just right now I'm thinking that this is something I maybe need to reproduce going on on my enlightenment journey,

because I feel the need of embodying my spirituality. Meaning grounding, balancing and open chakras.


Is my experience an often consequence of practicing meditation?

What exactly is going on in these moments and how to reproduce them?

And in generel, what can you tell about the left/ right brain (body) relation, balancing and embodying?


I go now an look for the answers by myself.

Hoping for some insides when I come back here.


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