
Life Purpose or Girls?

13 posts in this topic

I bought the life purpose course and I was going to work on it, but I have a desire to get a girlfriend. I'm a senior in high school, and I notice that life purpose is important to get done as soon as possible at this stage of my life, but this desire for a girl is getting kind of strong. I also seen that Maslow's hierarchy of needs has sex at the very bottom as an essential need. So should one focus on one or multitask? 

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@LiberatedMonkey I just graduated high school so maybe I can give you some advice? Look deep inside and ask yourself what do you really want more? What would benefit you more in the next year if you got one of these goals accomplished? What means more to your heart? What is your intuition telling you to do? 

I think some contemplation and self-inquiry will help you, it helped me!:D

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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1 hour ago, VictorB02 said:

@LiberatedMonkey I just graduated high school so maybe I can give you some advice? Look deep inside and ask yourself what do you really want more? What would benefit you more in the next year if you got one of these goals accomplished? What means more to your heart? What is your intuition telling you to do? 

I think some contemplation and self-inquiry will help you, it helped me!:D

Wow that would actually work perfectly! Thanks for the advice. 

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You cant get quality girlfriend if you are not on your purpose so its both

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Do both. The life purpose course isn't something that should take all of your time.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Like Tupac Shakur said: M.O.B 

Money Over Bitches

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@LiberatedMonkey You are so young, you have lots of time to work on many things. Plan things out strategically.

Life purpose is a very long-term project. It will take you at least 5 years to seriously actualize it. So while you're chipping away at that, you should of course also work on other areas of your life like developing dating skills.

You can work on your life purpose most of the week, but then Friday & Saturday nights you can focus on dating. This will actually rejuvenate you for next week's work.

Counter-intuitively you can sometimes accomplish more work when you have good outlets for rejuvenation & socialization.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy ;)

There are times in your life when you will need to focus on your LP 100% to the exclusion of everything else. But then there are times when that's not efficient, where you don't have that much work to do on your LP, which frees up time for other things. And sometimes you will need to put your LP on the backburner for a while (into maintenance mode) while you work on your relationships, family, house, health, etc.

At your current stage in life you probably don't need to be spending 8 hours a day on your LP.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura   Thanks for the reply. I'll take it into consideration, and I had a feeling I had to plan things out strategically.

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why not both? 

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LP is great if you want to contribute humanity. You will do better job contributing humanity, if you teach yourself some social skills and developing healthy orange. Its really the combination of many fields, the perfect example is Elon Musk.

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@LiberatedMonkey thankyou for asking this question, I was thinking of asking it on here but sometimes I explain things very badly and in a confusing way! Thankyou Leo as well I think your response was the best personally for this question, I am sure you would agree Liberated Monkey! At the moment for example I am actually working a full time job (my first) and plan too for a fair few months so I can build up some 'saftey net' cash so when I go back to my life purpose work, I will have some money there to help me out if something goes wrong with my health or someone else's health, so I am just using it as a tactical move. Also, because it is customer service based, I am actually building up alot of confidence and experience with people/ gaining people skills, which is probably one of the best things about having a job, to be fair. So it a double bonus!

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Boy ama tell ya bout ma self! I watched Big L's video about removing Should statements from your life and I feel more comfortable following my authentic desires...I have to study too but at da same tao I have more freedom and less guilt in da past dat episode and change your perspective on "having to do something".

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