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The role of diet in spirituality

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Hey everyone, I have finally achieved the state where I can meditate for an hour every single day. It was just too painful before... 

The problem is, that in the process, I have lost the track of my diet. I have already tried vegan, vegetarian and even fruitarian. I have come to the conclusion, that being a fruitarian is not the best idea, because my stomach just hurts. Veganism was so hard that I had to think about it all the time and it was kinda hard in social meetings as well. Vegetarianism is the one that suits me the best, because it is quite easy. 

But then I go out to explore and I find out, that my keto diet is saving my aunt from death (she is suffering from a serious disease and her husband is a scientist in that field) and some people are eating pranic diets in order to become even more spiritual and the list goes on. I would really love to know, if you have experience with any extraordinary way of eating, please let me know!

I want to optimize the benefits of my meditation and I am really willing to go try hard on this one.

Edited by bejapuskas

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Eat mushrooms. And then eat what the mushrooms tell you to eat :D

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You can be thankful for the food that you're eating before every meal. This can change your diet drastically. 

Before eating an apple, you can be thankful for that apple and for the tree that produced it. :)

Before drinking a cup of milk, you can be thankful for the milk and for the cow that produced it. :)

This way, before eating every meal you'll remember where the food came from, and you can decide whether you want to support that source of food or not. For example, before you drink milk, you'll remember that this milk came from factory farming or from a nice farmer household depending on what kind of milk you (or your parents) bought. And then you can decide whether you want to support that source of food or not. 

Emotionally it feels very good to be free from the diet related guilt that builds up over time. :)

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@Barna Hm... thats actually a great insight! Gratefulness is one of the best habits in my life. I come from a Christian family, so we used to pray before every food, but as me, my brother and my mother were transfering into orange, we kind of got annoyed and only saw the food as a pleasure and abandoned the praying before food. I dont think it had this kind of meaning, it was really just a tradition, but it can be useful in various ways :) 

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i would suggest to eat pescatarian. The only way to get DHA is directly through fish, and DHA is needed to synthesize vitamin D and hormone secretion. Fish oil pills suck and usually are rancid. 

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Balance, even if you eat meat. 

The digestive system hursts until it flows into a harmony state. 

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Only semi related to the conversation, but the most enlightened person I personally know, I mean he's high up there on the enlightenment scale, has hands down the worst diet I've ever seen. He avoids all fruits and vegetables. He only eats fast food, the cheapest crap in the frozen foods section of Safeway. Eats cheap cookies and ice cream every day. He's 55 and looks and is active like he's 35. He's slender and muscular, but has never worked out a day in his life. It's quite baffling. 

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Sometimes I like to eat croissants:). But mainly strict vegan plus what makes my body feel good.

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I took a nutrition class in college and in it we analyzed our diets, we just ate normally and then looked at the results, everyone in our class got pretty much exactly the right amount of nutrients that they needed each day naturally

it's absolutely amazing that we are able to do this without even thinking about it!

because there are quite a lot of different things we need in varying amounts from a lot to very little, it's truly amazing

so I'm vegetarian and I'm slowly becoming vegan 

I'm just letting it happen naturally, I eat whatever I want but I naturally want to eat what is good for me and my environment

I think that's best, just try to realize that and then whatever you do will be best for you


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@Jed Vassallo Thats great for your friend, but I get terrible skin problems even when caring about my diet a little, I dont think thats a good sign you know :D 

@isabel Yeh, thats how it is probably with everything, as long as I dont eat the bullshit stuff, which I am not really eating that much anyway, I will probably be alright. I just want to feel as good as possible.

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2 hours ago, bejapuskas said:


@Hellspeed How do you achieve that for yourself?


Many months of meditation. If one knows how to use the sexual energy inwards it helps a great deal with healing and PH balance in the system. 


Use Haritaki, chlorella & spirulina for a great PH. Colloidal Silver to clear all the parasites in the system. Maybe the case on some human beings that the same parasites in the system make a certain PH for a certain type of food to be taken. 

Edited by Hellspeed

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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I eat a vegan diet. As long as you’re supplementing with the appropriate nutrients, it’s completely healthy. 

In terms of social situations, what matters more - fitting in socially or supporting the meat and diary industry? 

I honestly dont understand how anyone who claims to be spiritual could support these industries if there’s the option not to but to each their own. Notice how easily the mind can justify any behavior though; it’s a lot easier to conform to social programming than to look at the truth of these industries.

Edited by Consilience

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@Consilience I see what you mean, it has many variables in it, I dont usually it meat, but I am not making a religion from it. I sometimes even feel some kind of tension in my body after eating meat, but I just want to try out the meat eating diets to know what they are like...  I dislike missing any perspective on the issue. I am probably gonna end up not eating meat, but first I have to learn how to cook well and know how to make the plant based diet work for me, because I am missing many things.

Anyways, this discussion is kind of going in a weird direction. I mean we are in the spirituality topic. I shouldve probably placed my question somewhere else.

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I mostly eat raw vegan, but that's appropriate for the stage I'm at. It might not be for you. My rule of thumb is I just try to eat foods that make me feel good. And I don't mean "feel good" like eating a doughnut and passing out on the couch. I mean "feel good" as in it makes me feel more present, more alive.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@aurum Thank you aurum, I know what you mean, I should probably develop even better body consciousness than I have now in order to really stop all of my immodest eating habits.

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15 hours ago, Jed Vassallo said:

Only semi related to the conversation, but the most enlightened person I personally know, I mean he's high up there on the enlightenment scale, has hands down the worst diet I've ever seen. He avoids all fruits and vegetables. He only eats fast food, the cheapest crap in the frozen foods section of Safeway. Eats cheap cookies and ice cream every day. He's 55 and looks and is active like he's 35. He's slender and muscular, but has never worked out a day in his life. It's quite baffling. 

I bet he follows his will joy joyfully which is one of the highest feelings for enlighenment

It doesn't really matter what you eat, and it sort of does

what truly matters is what you eat means to you

So its less about science or physics, and more about yourself and being conscious of who you are, its nuanced

Joy is food for the soul and the body

Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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@Arkandeus Thats interesting! I will probably need to develop higher consciousness and contemplate more in order to do this...

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