
Present moment chit chat

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Recently I've been ultra aware at how I'm trying to escape the present moment or resist it in someway. The more I've become aware of this the more I'm noticing how much I actually do do it! It's absolutely insane!

Not only that but it literally causes so much suffering like anxiety, tense muscles and worry.

I'm using feeling within the body as my guide. I'll notice a dramatic change & surge of emotion (it can be very hidden and minute) then that will be my indicator to observe my thoughts. After observing comes total surrender and acceptance which leads to peace and being. 

Please share your own experiences ^_^

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Agreed. Being in the present moment consciously makes lots of heavy sensation bubble up. I feel surges of dense sensations in chest and head whenever I consciously tune into the now. 

It's uncomfortable. Like really. But that's present moment for you so..

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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You are always in the heart of God or the present moment. That’s why any notion of past or future is an illusion. When you resist this by attaching to thoughts which by nature cannot function in the present moment, then you start swimming against the river of love.

My experience is feeling a huge release when I let go of thoughts and stay with the breathe instead. Next is this feeling of peace that started to arise from staying with the breathe that permeated everything I did. And now I feel a blissful love shining from my heart that gets bigger each day, all from staying in the breathe even though my full health and vitality had returned much before.

It also relaxes all of my subconscious tension in the body, but most importantly for me you start to feel guided by the universe, and come onto a state of unity with the will of God.

I remember that Jesus said even if you had no gifts and talents I would still say unto you, “do you love yourself?”. It is that which I trust in. 

Love has the power to change the every aspect of our lives. This is because we have 3 higher bodies called the causal, mental and emotional. If your causal body holds the core beleif, “I am seperate from God” it then alters the pure white light energy that comes from your heart as if putting it through a red filter, and so when it gets to your physical body the energy is changed, and this influences you take certain actions. This is why you make changes from within. Love purifies all of these bodies. You may think no mind is the highest state, but that just creates an empty space in yourself which can be filled with Divine Love. 

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@Preetom No sorry I think you've misunderstood my point. I meant, I use the sensations in my body as a guide that I am not in the present moment, I am trying to resist or escape in anyway.

@Solace Absolutely beautiful to read Solace ♥️ thank you so much for sharing. Some excellent points also.

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@Charlotte Yeah, why is it so hard to just be?

Are we supposed to have all this suffering in our lives, or should we avoid it by meditating?

What are the benefits of meditation, more than the feeling of peace?

Why aren't we meditating more?

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