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Insight about TIME

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I had a cool insight the other day. I thought back to a time when I was cramming for some college finals and I stayed up the whole night studying, then went to the exam in the morning. I saw the sun set and then rise again all in one span of waking consciousness.

It clicked for me, when I was thinking back to this, that there is no such thing as time. There is really only the now and it is constantly shifting. There is no such thing as yesterday or tomorrow. Sure they are words that describe day/night cycles but we get lost in yesterday/tomorrow as though they are real places outside of the now. There is nowhere to go. Everything is happening now. You are the true self now (even if you have not had an awakening or enlightenment). Day and night are just words but we get lost in conceptualising their meaning. All they refer to is shifts in the phenomena occurring NOW.

This may sound like 'yeah, well duhh, of course' but people rarely are conscious of the occurrence of NOW, they live in a conceptual matrix in mind, thinking about tomorrow, last year, etc. All those moments are just this moment but they looked different and felt different. It was the current moment shifting and moving and metamorphosing in infinite forms. People live in their heads/minds in the now, the current reality. Or should I say, reality. There is no other reality than the one happening now.

For me I saw the sun set and then the sun rise up again in the NOW. This now has been for as long as I can remember, the body and the images and the people in it change but it all happens as it does. 'My body' has not grown over 'time' as we think, 'my body' is just a collection of energies and phenomena in ONE PLACE at ONE TIME (inside consciousness) shifting and metamorphosing (that which we call growth or ageing, but when we say growth or ageing we think of this timeline of a whole person's life and what not which is all just thoughts IN THE NOW). YOU HAVE NEVER BEEN IN ANY OTHER TIME THAN NOW. There is no where to go in 'the future'. The now will just happen. When will it happen? NOW

(Note I have not read The Power of Now, so not sure if Ekhart talked about this or whether there was a different view point int that book).

Anyway, please share your thoughts if you wish.

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Fantastic breakthrough. Infinite, appears finite. Witness of self as this & that, change, motion..... “time”....”life”...”alive & death”..”me”. 







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@Cepzeu great post!

i know the deep realization that you're talking about here

i have had this too and it's amazing


you're just like WAAAAAAAAAAAA



keep going. i did come out of that realization though and it doesn't feel as powerful as it did during that moment (that's what is called about being the understanding vs trying to intellectually grasp it)

NOW is definitely the ALL

and this realization can also be had that if you were able to "still" or pause a single slice of NOW 

then you have this reality-3d-4d moment of space-time all captured as ONE

all there is to that moment is the entirety of it. as ONE SOLID BLOCK of reality. 


sure, there is the point of view looking out of "your" eyes but it is all a frame of experience of that total moment in the NOW

that's how you can see and understand the duality collapsing and seeing and understanding how it is indeed all ONE

Love Is The Answer

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