
Good Books on Health

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I've been looking for a good book about health and nutrition for a while now but I got frustrated quickly because I feel like especially in this field there are a lot of low conscious, "get thin quick"-books that don't really teach the fundementals of nutrition and a healthy diet.

Do you guys know any books that are not just skimming the surface??:)

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Nutrition for dummies actually has a lot of cool content and they put it down very simply for the reader. Something to consider there :)

Alternatively type in "Human Nutrition" into Amazon for more unbiased literature. Generally avoid any that are over sensational like having a hot fit chick on the cover, a healty family,  and endorsed by 20 people. Look for something dry, boring and academical that uses a lot of research instead of personal anecdotes.  Also I like to avoid plastic pages which are very popular in States as I often read outside and they make me blind when the sun is up :D

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Healing with Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford I believe is an absolute must have if you are truly interested in health. It's a big book, very helpful as a reference. I found How Not to Die by Greger missing quite a lot in the overall picture of healthy and happy living. Its approach is far too clinical for my liking. If you are able to entertain some fairly far out shit, then i'd suggest Survival in the 21st Century by Viktoras Kulvinskas. Andreas Moritz is also worth checking out, especially his book on the liver/gallbladder flush. The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity by Daniel Reid is excellent too.



Edited by I Am That

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