
Deeper more profound meditation and mind stillness with open eyes

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Does anyone find when they meditate or situate themself still they can enter a more profound, deeper and pleasant form of experience. I find I can still my mind and bodily functions more optimally with my eyes open. My favourite method is simply stare into object in the distance until it dissolves and you begin entering a state of pleasant blankness. I call this Concentration Stillness, so powerful. Anyone have similar experiences? 



Edited by Jacobsrw

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I know my brain would get used to having my eyes open, but I'm an eyes-closed meditator. 

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Interesting. I feel open eyed meditation is undermined. Considering 90% of waking life is open eyed you would think there would be huge focus here to build composure.

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Sometimes it can be nice, but you need an object to make sure your mind doesnt wander off, I usually stare at an empty glass or cup. Being aware of hearing throughout the day is also a powerful way to become mindful and not go into story-mode.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Yeah typically I use an object to focus one and let my perception dissolve into it until I become blank. Then allow my awareness to go through my entire experience. 

I feel it’s such an important thing to raise awareness through open eye exercises. We are so used to having our eyes open that we forget the dilusions in how we see things. 

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@Jacobsrw that's interesting. I use a combination of both open and closed whilst entering meditation. I find this is quite effective at calming the monkey mind. My method is to close my eyes and not focus on anything in particular. If I notice myself drifting off into fantasy or monkey mind, I open my eyes and just notice my surroundings. This seems to shut off the fantasy for a while and there's a stillness. If it starts to come back, I close my eyes and begin the cycle again. 

I noticed at first this can actually feel quite unpleasant, because it feels like an interruption to the flow of the meditation. But I now find it quite effective to get my mind to go into nothingness fairly quickly.

Edited by LastThursday

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I too see that eyes open doesn’t lead one to exclude the totality of an experiencing. If I were to close my eyes that would mean I was excluding some aspects of what is. 

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@Jack River exactly right. Closing your eyes feels like a less authentic and fluid way to become stilled. I actually find staring into nothingness with eyes open distracts me less than with eyes closed.

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2 hours ago, Jacobsrw said:

@Jack River exactly right. Closing your eyes feels like a less authentic and fluid way to become stilled. I actually find staring into nothingness with eyes open distracts me less than with eyes closed.

To much beauty to be seen to keep our eyes closed?

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Don’t think there’s a right or wrong way to go about this....no point in giving ourselves any limitations. Whatever feels right is so, if I feel like sitting, standing, laying down or twirling my thumbs, the presence/mindfulness is key ? ?

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