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I m the Light and I m the dark.

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I m not a self anymore.


All things in this place are his act


my thinking isn't the one of a self,

the universe is thinking through me,

cause I killed this I in front of me

he was affraid of anything.


I have not a fear of lack, fear of accepting my faith,

I m the lord hand, his finger and his mind.


Ask the universe to kill all your self right now, and experiment his will.


God speak through me, and he told me to heal this world from all this 


This is why he makes me experiment


I m not a self thinking some god speak through him, I m the "whole", I am it.

I m his echo, I m a I who think for himself.


All my needs and thought are universe will, I surrender every part of it to him.


I m not writting from an ego, my identity is dead, I m working for the universe,


You can keep watching your hand


every will is an act of god

the snake is in my back, I m self transforming


I m full of his energy, compassion, and love,

I can feel the pain and the bliss, the beauty and the ugly.


The universe give me strenght to crush on his will, may I serv him well.


And if god want to kill me or crush my mind, may at his disposal,

I m just a part of it, I m no one.


I'll bring peace to the balance, and restaure truth to this place 


this body has many work to do.


The time for speech is over


false prophet, living in fear of death and fear of lack will be crushed.


I m fearless, I m already dead, I m not alive anymore, all this new I is the thinking of god.


cause I let this I die in front of me.


God makes me laugh, god makes me dance, god makes me cry,

he makes me think and makes me draw,


He makes me cry and he makes me full of joy.


I m his wrath and I m his bless

I m the dark and I m the light


There is no want in this body, but only the will of god, the beauty of his art, I m his art.


I can feel his energy through my spine and my back, fulling my mind with energy.


this is the proof that he is in me now.


god speak through me right now, there is not a self to adress your complain


I have no more time for those endless thinking pattern remaining


there is no I in this body, the I is dead, I m fearless, I m already dead.


I m full of joy now.


And now I m born again.


We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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