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Why animals are "dumb" principles of expanding energy

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Most of us when we were educated by society were harboring the perspective of seeing animals as rather dumb creatures, capable of emotions, but ultimately completely inferior at the mercy of men. In the world of dawkins, survival of the fittest rules, every animal on this planet is at a complete mercy of mankind and therefore its life is a failure, these are the primitive insights of modern science

Now most of us who are awake and conscious, are conscious that there is more to animals then the limited measures by which we judge them, we have discovered and explored further then the mere reasoning intellect , and can recognize intelligence beyond mere reason and quantitative qualities, the deeper wells of existence are rich, and animals are taping into these wells as much as we do

There is strength in animals, wisdom in animals, deep emotion, and probably ways of existence and connection to life beyond our comprehension

Animals aren't dumb at all, in fact they are of the same intelligence as life, that pure intelligence of which every atom of life is made, they flow completely, yet we "rule" the earth

First of our all our society ego's cannot comprehend egoless state of beings which are divine, as vast as the universe, and infinite, state of beings so vast the seemingly simple life of a squirrel can be as complex and interesting as a supernova, when you see the life of a squirrel you see yourself as a squirrel, you cannot even begin to imagine what an actual squirrel goes through, it depends even on who's navigating the squirrel

The second thing our society ego's have a hard time grasping is true infinite immortality, a divine consciousness that is infinitely immortal could vigoursly enjoy the simple life of a cow, just to go back to other dimensions and civilizations after its cow life, for an infinite being the life of a cow could be as short as a second, it wouldn't be more shocking then you yourself putting on a mask for halloween, adopting another identity for the fun of an halloween evening!

We assume a cow to be dumb based on its life, but who's truly behind that cow or your dog? Who knows, be humble and open



Lets admit that every animal on this planet is made of infinite intelligence, the same we are made of, then why is there a human society?and not a cow society, or cat society?

You have the common answers from science and evolution which looks at physical evidence, physical reality which is merely a reflection of inner emotional reality, the universal connection of everything, in this connection we find real answers

What is a modern society? Culture, arts, engineering, invention, production, A modern society itself, takes a lot of space, a society is a place of connection first and foremost, as animals have their own smaller societies

As a modern society we can barely connect with each other, we're getting there, our different religions, political backgrounds, skin colours, are dividing us less and less

Let alone a different species, there is simply not enough emotional space "love" for other species to join our society, or to start their society on this planet, its a psychic agreement,there is no reason to be found in physical evidence like genes and natural selection, physical life reflects psychic agreements on the level of universal connection, that place of connection from which all life springs forth, physical life reflects what is already decided and agreed upon

What do animals have to gain from letting humans take the lead on planet-wide modern societies? From the plane of deepest truth that we are one, and from the truth of infinity, all life is new, all life is being created, energy is infinite, expansive

Animals are consciousness connected to our consciousness, deeply we are all connected, meaning that every endeavour we undertake as human society, we share that energy with every life on earth, there is no one really taking the lead, as we are all the animals and plants on earth as much as the these plants and animals are us

Why are there people living in mansions , living exhorbiting luxurious lifestyles?

Because its not possible for everyone of us to live those lifestyles, not because of physical or logical reasons, because of energetic reasons, the evolution of energy, which is why its good  to have this less then 1% percent of humanity living absurdly abundant lifestyles, everything they live, is energy of abundance and will be shared with all of us, its better 1% of us living magical lifestyles then 0% of us, the same with animals, its better for one species to be able to explore a world-scale cultural society then no species at all, in the end we all share these explorations and they will ultimately let us spiral

 But again this is not a matter of physical limitations, or resources, its energetic


In my bold and honest prediction, we are arriving at a stage of critical evolution, where can realize that physical matter reflects our consciousness, science is not going to be outdated but it will become a tool,one of many, to express our infinite creativity, but ultimately consciousness decides physical matter, and if we can come to that of rising energy , with world-wide enlightenment,  everything will change, from psychic consciousness technologies, to scientific technology, to telempathy, to dream technology, synchronisation, magical prowess and powers, contact with alien and trans-dimensional societies...

There will be more then enough space for animals of our planets to join us in society, with coherent social intellect

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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