
Goal attainment

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I have this issue that when i get closer and closer to achiving my goal the more scared i get, and bail out at the last minute or distract myselve from optaining it, is that normal or can i do something to prevent it, or shft it so that i get more motivated and less scared?

Edited by Wekz

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Why are you scared to achieve your goals?  Doesn’t that sound kinda odd to you?  If you could snap your fingers and get all your goals met, would you be scared to snap your fingers?

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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19 hours ago, Wekz said:

I have this issue that when i get closer and closer to achiving my goal the more scared i get, and bail out at the last minute or distract myselve from optaining it, is that normal or can i do something to prevent it, or shft it so that i get more motivated and less scared?

Have you inquired honestly into why you do this?  Thats a good place to start.  If your confused, put some of your answers here, and maybe you can get some perspective.

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I started doing it to obtain peace of mind, i dealt my whole life with depression, on and off, and the first time i tried meditation it was like magic, it was total and absolute bliss. It shifted my whole life towards meditation and self actualization, i grew in 3 months more than i could ever dream off. But as you can imagine from this post it all fell apart. My intuition told me that it was time for a shift, i had to abandon the current family situation im living in, and commit to leading someone trough life, the way i myselve believe to be the right way. My father is a narcissist and im pretty sure a sociopath, but he has got money and gets away with every manipulation, emotional abuse and fucking slavery hes making us do. So the thing i gotta do is move away from my family, and take my mother with me, to save her from this hell, cause she wants to leave too. I get realy close, i manage to bring myselve back up, but every time its time to leave i fail, not the leaving part but the taking my mother with me part. I know i gotta do it but something is holding me back, if its confort, or fear of sheading my old selve, or both. 

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@Joseph Maynor its the goal of my higher selve, and to achieve it i gotta go trough all the fear and disconfort, thats how i understand it.

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8 hours ago, Wekz said:

I started doing it to obtain peace of mind, i dealt my whole life with depression, on and off, and the first time i tried meditation it was like magic, it was total and absolute bliss. It shifted my whole life towards meditation and self actualization, i grew in 3 months more than i could ever dream off. But as you can imagine from this post it all fell apart. My intuition told me that it was time for a shift, i had to abandon the current family situation im living in, and commit to leading someone trough life, the way i myselve believe to be the right way. My father is a narcissist and im pretty sure a sociopath, but he has got money and gets away with every manipulation, emotional abuse and fucking slavery hes making us do. So the thing i gotta do is move away from my family, and take my mother with me, to save her from this hell, cause she wants to leave too. I get realy close, i manage to bring myselve back up, but every time its time to leave i fail, not the leaving part but the taking my mother with me part. I know i gotta do it but something is holding me back, if its confort, or fear of sheading my old selve, or both. 

Can you confront the situation with your dad in a sane way or will it become abusive?  If its a dead end path that you've tried to rectify over time with no result, its sometimes the best choice to move out on your own, that alone can change some of the things your depressed about as long as you believe  you did the right thing, because if you don't you may live with guilt then.  Negative environments can create and feed depression, and I know on a more absolute level you can see your role in it, but there is a environmental role to these things to outside of choice.  I understand why you would want to bring your mom with you, she's suffering to under this situation to probably.  Can you have a heart to heart with your mom on these matters without your dads knowledge so you can come to a good decision on these matters for the both of you so you can have peace making a choice?

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Its difficult, i tried to move out by myselve, and i tell it to her and she says its ok, but when she tells me that, the more i want to take her with me and the more guilty i feel knowing that she wants to go too. My body tells me to do it but my mind desperatly doesnt want to.

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6 hours ago, Wekz said:

Its difficult, i tried to move out by myselve, and i tell it to her and she says its ok, but when she tells me that, the more i want to take her with me and the more guilty i feel knowing that she wants to go too. My body tells me to do it but my mind desperatly doesnt want to.

I see, sounds like that is something you still have to work out with her and yourself. 

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@Wekz Big goals will scare you, that is completely normal. Just by becoming more aware of your fear will help you to counter-act it and face it. 


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“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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