
Where is the truth in actuality?

10 posts in this topic



That video... Leo. It...

The more and more I watch Actualized.org, and the recent videos. I see that I would need a longer life span than just 85 yrs to figure death out. With each new videos it's like your zooming out, revealing more of the big picture exponentially.I don't even fucking do the work seriously! 

Now. I know you said "No Arguing, there is nothing to argue". Well..... There's more to be expanded upon of what you have said. It's not enough to look at my hand and know that is "truth"

If this medium of language itself is like trying to cut a rock in half with a stick, then a new medium of communication need to be made.

What does actuality prove. I've meditated, and I have done such meditation before where you really look at an object and realize it is actual.

Nothing happens. Ta Daaaa!! Like literally, the thought and concepts stop and you get this, inside the brackets here   (                                                      )

No, Not nothing, not a void, not empty white space, nope, just itself.

And why should I give a fuck about that "thing" that refuses all labels and references to "it"?

(Please note , every word ever used is a label, yes, but, the ones I've put in capitals are the ones I want to emphasize)

Concept and Imagination (the medium through which I am communicating this thread write now) takes "effort" . With Concept and Imagination, I can use it, to give LABELS to differentiate EXPERIENCES in ACTUALITY.

NOTE!!!!!!!! The link between concept and imagination seems to be assumptions. We ASSUME through concept in imagination that other must feel happiness and sadness. That they feel in ACTUALITY, what we do in ACTUALITY. We use concept and imagination to draw links between concept&imagination and actuality to prove (via reason and science which are concept and imagination) that concept and imagination directly affects what we experience in actuality. (And does it not? Don't concepts and imagination affect actuality, if not now, but in the future?)

But you see, this is no good. With used itself, to prove itself. Which.... no. It's just an endless loop.

How do we know that, when I feel joy, you feel it also in the same or similar way?  We both take actions in actuality, and these actions create emotions in actuality. (Through projection of concept and imagination). How do we know the difference from sad and happiness? It's because in actuality these contrast.

However, for some fucking reason. Sadness, we do not accept. And happiness we do...

There is no way to explain this using concept and imagination, because you cannot label "why" something feels the way it does in actuality , because it just is.

But INSTINCTIVELY, one dislikes it and wants to avoid it.


Where does instinct come into play here?

Are you telling us to regress back to stage beige? How is this not going back to stage beige? If I refuse to use concepts and imagination, I'll be put into this instinctive mode of avoiding pain and going after pleasure.

What if remove the senses, sight, hearing. Are left with pure actuality? (That is, from the day we are born, and say we are not introduced to concepts and imagination via the use of braille etc)

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10 minutes ago, Lorcan said:

I see that I would need a longer life span than just 85 yrs to figure death out.

No. That's just an ungrounded belief.

13 minutes ago, Lorcan said:

If I refuse to use concepts and imagination, I'll be put into this instinctive mode of avoiding pain and going after pleasure.

No, no, no. If you stop using imagination, you simply stop using imagination. Aversion to pain is your own doing. You are meditating improperly, if you fuel any kind of avoidance.

22 minutes ago, Lorcan said:

How is this not going back to stage beige?

I would suggest for you not to mix non-duality with relative teachings, at least for now. It will unnecessarily complicate things. You can go back to it when you get better grasp on both of them.

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@Lorcan Shut up and do the practices.

Psychedelics make this whole process 1000x easier. You will learn more in 1 trip than from watching 100 videos.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You will learn more in 1 trip than from watching 100 videos.

And 20 years of meditation. . . Sigh :/

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3 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

And 20 years of meditation. . . Sigh :/

This is an old concept people buy into too much, it can take a month of meditation/spiritual realignment if you really wanted to. The acceleration of light/energy/truth on a collective scale is far more greater than it used to be years ago and it only accelerates more and more, what used to take years decades ago takes months today. Teach newer generations about this stuff and watch them bloom 10x faster then you did.

As we evolve, everything else evolves with us.



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You think way too much, just take some 5-meo.

If you knew how simple it is to practice real spirituality, none of those question would matter.

You literally just need to be conscious of what's there in your experience, without any kind of conceptualizations and ideas about it, and practice that all the time.

Of course you can't control your mind, so there will always be some of it, but what you can do is see it for what it is, concepts (=everything you think about), by being conscious of it = not getting lost in it = just seeing your thoughts and emotions as an another object of your perception.

Spirituality is not complicated at all, you make it complicated because you need to lie to yourself for not seeing the truth.

Which is extremely simple, so simple that you dismiss it right away, because it does not fit your ideals of it.



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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5 hours ago, Lorcan said:

Now. I know you said "No Arguing, there is nothing to argue". Well..... There's more to be expanded upon of what you have said. It's not enough to look at my hand and know that is "truth"

So you did the exercise for 5 minutes and now it's back to discussing for hours and hours?

What you're doing is trying to conceal the truth. Why is that?


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18 hours ago, Lorcan said:

What if remove the senses, sight, hearing. Are left with pure actuality? (That is, from the day we are born, and say we are not introduced to concepts and imagination via the use of braille etc)

Your ability to feel would be the closest thing to attaining actuality.  

If you lost sight and hearing, it would be much harder for you to get the full direct experience, you would be stuck in imagination, your reality would be completely subjectively constricted.

You would be farther away from actuality.

Your intuition is your own personal genie.  Learn to trust that infinite intelligence.


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14 hours ago, pluto said:

This is an old concept people buy into too much, it can take a month of meditation/spiritual realignment if you really wanted to. The acceleration of light/energy/truth on a collective scale is far more greater than it used to be years ago and it only accelerates more and more, what used to take years decades ago takes months today. Teach newer generations about this stuff and watch them bloom 10x faster then you did.

As we evolve, everything else evolves with us.


That's just my experience. 20 years ago Religion still dominated Spirituality. Now, spirituality is becoming dominant. 

We are all zero steps from enlightenment so it can happen in an instant. No meditation/spiritual anything. A person can awaken at any time. Yet, we still live in a society where people are highly conditioned with a sense of self. Plus, there has been millions of years of evolution toward a brain oriented toward a sense of self. For example, the perception of a timeline and the subjective experience of being a finite entity within that timeline. Humans could have evolved to have very different perceptions of time and self. A lot of it is social conditioning, yet we also have a brain capable of being conditioned. There were huge evolutionary advantages toward a brain capable of perceiving a self within a timeline. 

So yeah, a person theoretically can awaken at any time. It's super simple. You just wake up. Yet practically, there are still huge barriers and most people need to work through and deconstruct a lot of stuff before they can surrender to the truth. It's like an alcoholic can stop drinking at any time. It's super simple, you just stop drinking. They can stop drinking right now if they really wanted to. Yet practically, there are physical, mental and social barriers to an alcoholic lives through until they reach a bottom and are willing to surrender. 

IME, I look back at my awakenings and think - "Ahh, it's so simple and obvious" and I underestimate the hurdles I had to overcome. Then I try to teach it to someone else and they don't get it. It's so simple, yet someone most overcome a lifetime of conditioning to see it and be willing to die for it. That is a really hard sell to the vast majority of people in today's world. And it's why psychedelics are so powerful. They remove all the conditioning and force a person to surrender. Psychedelics take a person from a sober delusional state to a psychedelic delusional state. Yet, IMO being removed from the sober delusional state for the first time is so powerful. It's like waking up from a dream for the first time. It doesn't really matter where you wake up - it's the experience of waking up that is so profound.

The conscious level of society is expanding faster. People no longer need to quit there job and move to a monastery in Japan or live in a cave for years. Yet, there are still really deep social and evolutionary inputs serving as barriers to waking up.  

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20 hours ago, Lorcan said:

What if remove the senses, sight, hearing. Are left with pure actuality? (That is, from the day we are born, and say we are not introduced to concepts and imagination via the use of braille etc)

This happened to me in a sensory deprivation tank. I was brought to a place before I was before. Everything I was exposed to and learned after birth was removed. It was a really powerful experience.

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