
Want to learn entreprenuer

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Hi I'm 22 years old and I moved to the US ,Nevada half a year ago.

I want to open a business here so I'm interested to educate myself on this topic.

I heard that I can study entreprenuership in the university for a year..someone has this bachelor? Or u guys have other recommendations ?

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@Heaven  First define your motivation, is it really positive, not manipulative, is it YOUR thought? Wasnt it sticked into your mind by someone else?

1) Yes - stop right there

2) No - great, try doing the things that Leo suggests, work harder than everyone else, get experience, get a mentor... Just make sure that you are not manipulative liar to yourself :) 

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@Heaven If you want to learn entrepreneurship, university is one of the worst places for that. Why? Because the market and the economy is changing way too fast for universities to keep up. What you learn in one semester is most likely already 2 years outdated. But of course, the professors aren't gonna recognize that. Their jobs are at stake.

It's way more cost effective to shadow a successful entrepreneur that works in the niche you want to study. 

Also, entrepreneurship is very hard to teach. Because to be a successful entrepreneur, you have go through uncharted territory, be creative and have a lot of grit. Only the field teaches you that.

A quick way to assess if you have entrepreneurial blood in you is this:

If you can't spend more than 1 or 2 months working for somebody without wanting to claw your leg off and do your own thing, you are most likely cut to be an entrepreneur.

Edited by Dan Arnautu

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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