
Why Is Contradiction Not A Problem?

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We can't see any contradictions in real life so we applyed this to our thoughts => contradictions do not exist so if thougths contradict, they are wrong.
I can't see any mistake in it, but Leo says oppsite.

Could anyone clarify that?

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@Parki Real truth is impossible to grasp by just merely words.

Can you describe exactly experiences like love and happiness? You cannot.

With words you can try to reach truth from different directions and different starting points and because of that they can look like a contradiction.

Imagine all the different approaches from different schools of thought, different cultures and different ages about something like enlightenment only?

They are full with contradictions.

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@Parki Thought can contradict. Reality can't. Your contradictions are a sign that your thought don't align with reality enough.

The true question is, how aligned can thoughts get ?

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