Bernardo Carleial

What can we learn from McGregor vs Khabib fight

41 posts in this topic

Hi guys! This is my first post here in the forum. I'm new, so therfore I don't know if this sort of topic is discussed here.

I was watching the fight last night between Connor McGregor vs Khabib and I got shocked to what happened after the fight . When khabib, after winning the fight,  went out the octagon and started a brawl with McGregor's team.  But after all of that happened, I started to think about the things that Leo used to say abput the ego and also about spiral dynamics. 

Connor McGregor is a guy who promotes himself with his big gigantic ego and narcisism ( stage orange). Also the whole UFC makes billions of dollars marketing all of this thrash talking before the fight, flirting a little bit with stage red temperament. While khabib, at least  on the screens, tried to remain neutral , however,  after he won, from my point of view,  his ego has flourished,  and I could see that even though he had won the fight over McGregor , and kept the belt for him, he was celebrating,  or cheerful,  instead he still got pissed off and felt that it wasn't enough,  so he went off and tried to beat the shit out of McGregor's team, (stage red).  That's the way I see it. I would like to read other people's opinion towards that. 


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No one here watches sports, as its just a distraction, catering to low consciousness chimps.

From a sports perspective it was completely unnecessary and dumb for Khabib to do this.

But the sport is not what is most valueable to UFC, payTV and generally people in power of what happend. Entertainment is most valueable. For example, the bus thing was used as a promotion by UFC for the fight. So in that bigger context it was the right thing to do. Otherwise, the two heavy security guards standing besides Khabib would have intervened while he climbed over the fence. Take this together with adrenaline & wanting to get revenge for the family insults Id say its a lot of stage blue as well.

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2 chimps kicking and punching each other in a cage....while tens of millions of chimps at homes get entertained and eat junk food. 

I think the idea of mixed-martial arts is brilliant but sadly it has been twisted and raped by stage Orange, we could have had a beautiful concept of mastery, instead, we have this low consciousness shit. 

I have this idea in my mind of a young samurai apprentice in 16-hundreds, at 5 am practising his daily drill with wooden Katana on a meadow with a mountain behind him and first hints of emerging sunlight. He has been doing this since he was 9, same time, same place every day. There is nothing to gain and nothing to strive for, this is the way of life....this is a real martial art imo, but perhaps that's a very naive concept

Lesson to be learned from this fight?: sell your TV and devote this time to mastering an art or a skill that you will offer to the world one day. Turn more inward and care less about the drama out there. 

Edited by Michael569

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@Bernardo Carleial I'm a big fight fan (proud chimp). I'm always rooting against Conor because he's such a callous bully so it was really satisfying to watch him get outclassed like that (Man, that overhand right from Khabib!). Disgusted with Dana and everyone that's condemning Khabib when they know full well Muslims don't fuck around (ORANGE VS BLUE). Despite what you may see/read, I doubt anyone here is actually above this stuff either. #au contraire 

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16 hours ago, Bernardo Carleial said:

Hi guys! This is my first post here in the forum. I'm new, so therfore I don't know if this sort of topic is discussed here.

I was watching the fight last night between Connor McGregor vs Khabib and I got shocked to what happened after the fight . When khabib, after winning the fight,  went out the octagon and started a brawl with McGregor's team.  But after all of that happened, I started to think about the things that Leo used to say abput the ego and also about spiral dynamics. 

Connor McGregor is a guy who promotes himself with his big gigantic ego and narcisism ( stage orange). Also the whole UFC makes billions of dollars marketing all of this thrash talking before the fight, flirting a little bit with stage red temperament. While khabib, at least  on the screens, tried to remain neutral , however,  after he won, from my point of view,  his ego has flourished,  and I could see that even though he had won the fight over McGregor , and kept the belt for him, he was celebrating,  or cheerful,  instead he still got pissed off and felt that it wasn't enough,  so he went off and tried to beat the shit out of McGregor's team, (stage red).  That's the way I see it. I would like to read other people's opinion towards that. 


What I found interesting with this whole series of events is the karma and negative energy started off by McGregor and then condoned by the UFC in a way to make as much money as possible. 

Obviously McGregor says crazy stuff in fight build ups which I was likened to pro wrestling in the show and theatre of it, like he's playing a character, which can have negative effects if the other fighter isn't in on it (but even this is bad enough). But when McGregor attacked the bus, actually injuring other fighters and then it being condoned and even rewarded by the UFC, he introduced a karma into the sport that can really ruin it if it continues. UFC had the opportunity to ban him or at least suspend him for a year or so but they chose not to because they knew how much money they could make from him, so essentially putting money ahead of integrity. I do believe there's loads of positive aspects of MMA, the discipline , the dedication of the sport and for me, I know there's a lot of people here that will say it's 2 chimps bla bla, but actually it does a great job of moving people from red to blue consciousness and can also help with ongoing discipline, so anything that can move people forward is good imo.

But cut to Saturday night, because of the lack of integrity of the UFC, Khabib knows if he takes the actions he did nothing will happen to him, which means he has no respect for the UFC with good reason, although I'm not condoning his actions. So you can see that really it's the UFC's actions that have lead to this and Dana White can say it's disgusting but they set the scene to allow this to happen. On a wider scale this action by Khabib, if it's not punished, will be seen as one to aspire to by youngsters watching, which will completely destroy any kind of positive karma the UFC does put into the world.

So to conclude this is a case of money over integrity 

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@Bernardo Carleial

Didn’t watch the fight but I heard about what happened. I think it actually provides some really valuable lessons.

One of the reasons Khabid said he got pissed was that Connor said a bunch of insulting things about his religion, family, etc. So he completely feels in the right, because he was standing up for his values. And I see a lot of people online who agree with that.

The problem is though that Connor was trying to get under Khabid’s skin. He doesn’t care what religion Khabid is, he just wants to provocate him. So in a way, by Khabid losing his cool he actually did exactly what Connor was hoping for.

The smart thing for Khabid would have been to just beat Connor, smile, and let the results speak for themselves. Then Connor would just look like some loud mouth idiot who couldn’t back it up.

Instead, Khabid could possibily be stripped of his title. And Connor comes out of this looking much prettier because Khabid looks like the asshole that lost his cool.

It’s really a shitty situation but I hope Khabid takes the lesson and chooses to grow from it, rather than just getting more bitter and angry. We’ll have to see.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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In terms of SD, McGregor is full-on extreme Orange. Money, personal glory, attention, partier, fancy clothes etc. His personality is great for promoting UFC fights and selling PPV. When he is matched up against another Orange (like Floyd Mayweather), they promote the fight by insulting each other (knowing it is part of the promotional game).  McGregor and Mayweather both knew the insults and personal attacks were just part of the hype. After the fight, they are hugging and laughing with each other (after pulling off 100+ million dollar personal paydays and making all their coaches / managers wealthy). 

When McGregor has faced Blue-level competition in the UFC, he was the dominant personality and fighter and the other fighter backed down. Khabib is the first Blue-level opponent he has faced that is superior in the Octagon. Khabib is centered at Red / Blue. His homeland near Chechyna is filled with red-level warlords. As well, it is deeply blue regarding family structure, religion, nationalism, respect and honor. Khabib's reality is very different than McGregor's. When McGregor insults his father as a coward that supports warlords, calls khabib's family member a terrorist rat, insults his religion and nation - it is deeply personal. It's very difficult for a person conditioned as Orange to understand this perspective.

It's hard to give an example of how personally repulsive McGregor's comments are to a Red-Blue level person. Remember, Red-level people respond to these types of insults by killing their adversary and their family members. 

For an Orange level person to understand the rage of red/blue, one must make the situation much more extreme (Red level) to push an Orange to Red level rage. Imagine that McGregor raped your sister and beat up your Mom - then he started mocking you as a coward because you didn't protect your sister and mother from him. This is red-level behavior that could bring an Orange person down to red-level rage. Blood-thirsty desire for revenge. McGregor's behavior was more mild, yet Khabib is blue-centered and knows Red well -  it takes far less to bring him down to red. Khabib's behavior was actually high red behavior. Just generic violence. If they used weapons, it would have been a full-on red response.

Given Khabib's red-blue background, his behavior (and family) is actually quite mild. They were restrained from red-level violence by there Blue makeup that values self restraint and respect.

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The whole event is a wake up call and has built in meaning on a collective level. Everything in life from accidentally stepping on an ant to the biggest event in media has equal degree of meaning/effect/reason/importance ect..

As you rise in awareness, every single thought, word, action, feeling, experience will start to make more and more sense that how it plays out is exactly how you set it out to be and how each and every one of those things happened in a specific way to how you got to where you are at this precise moment.

DMT and like substances can show you this more directly but ultimately, spending more time in solitude, in nature, away from mental/emotional/physical stimulation of any sort will allow awareness to rise and be more ever-present so you can see clearly because when you involve and surround yourself in an environment that is more dominant in physical, mental, emotional aspects of life than spiritual, then awareness becomes clouded and inefficient.

You miss out on the Magic of life because the more in the NOW you are the more you see with the pure awareness instead of seeing mental, emotional projections ect.. When you notice everything, that's when you know you are NOW. That's why in the NOW you are purely in a state of awe and bliss because you notice so much that is usually missed out on when attached to the projection rather the awareness.


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5 hours ago, TylerJ said:

I’m just curious when we’re getting our first turquoise fight. Sadhguru vs Tolle! 


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@universe you have a shallow look at sports,sports are amazing thing to do and watch

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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 Thanks guys for all the elucidated comments!? Specially the one by@Serotoninluv ! his view on the Spiral Dynamics model can be seenin this video on his post fight interview.  Where he can't grasp the idea of the marketing and the  promotion of all this trash talking( stage orange) that happens in the UFC. 

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2 hours ago, Bernardo Carleial said:


 Thanks guys for all the elucidated comments!? Specially the one by@Serotoninluv ! his view on the Spiral Dynamics model can be seenin this video on his post fight interview.  Where he can't grasp the idea of the marketing and the  promotion of all this trash talking( stage orange) that happens in the UFC. 

Yep. I believe he is genuine when he says he doesn't understand why this is such a big deal. He doesn’t fully understand Orange-level capitalists. 

Similarly, Orange-level capitalists were “shocked” by his behavior. They don’t understand red-blue mentality. 

Khabib returned to his small hometown in Russia. Tens of thousands of adoring fans filled a local stadium to welcome home their hero. Crowds surrounded him hoping for the chance to touch him. He is larger than life. Why might he be worshipped in this red-blue area? Because of his success and wealth? I doubt it. Nevada is withholding hus 2 million dollar payout and hus hometown diesn’t seem bothered by that. Do they worship his fame? Perhaps somewhat. Yet based on the SD model of red-blue values, Kgabib is a hero because he beat the shit out of the bastard that dishonored their families, religion and nation. Then Khabib blew past security to kick the ass of the bastard’s manager who also dishonored their families, religion and nation. That doubled their admiration. Khabib is a hero for restoring honor to them. Khabib’s father said he was really upset that his son wasn’t respectful. Yet deep down, I bet he is also prideful that his son didn’t hold back in restoring honor to their tribe.

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Just gotta say, great thread guys. Discussion's a prime example of Spiral Dynamics at play on the world stage. Video below pretty much sums up my own opinion. I have a lot of Stage Blue lingering within myself.

Words have weight.

Edited by Vinnie

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On 9.10.2018 at 11:05 AM, NoSelfSelf said:

@universe you have a shallow look at sports,sports are amazing thing to do and watch

Its what Leo said in this video (22minute mark). I can understand his perspective. But I dont doubt that there is amazing sport, just as there is amazing movies and amazing music.


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These fights are pure chimpery with 2 champs fighting in a cage and millions of chimps jumping while watching it. 




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15 hours ago, Good-boy said:

These fights are pure chimpery with 2 champs fighting in a cage and millions of chimps jumping while watching it. 

Yes but that is their level/purpose/area of growth, your judgement shows that you may need just as much as self healing as they do. Don't you think?

Everyone is where they are for a reason, everyone is doing their own path/purpose, we must not judge them for not having the path of an Enlightened Master or being as Aware. Each to their own timing and journey of self growth and development.


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54 minutes ago, pluto said:

Yes but that is their level/purpose/area of growth, your judgement shows that you may need just as much as self healing as they do. Don't you think?

Everyone is where they are for a reason, everyone is doing their own path/purpose, we must not judge them for not having the path of an Enlightened Master or being as Aware. Each to their own timing and journey of self growth and development.

Yeah but that's why they are chimpery, I am just stating the facts. All sports are just low conscious entertainment. 

Btw I used to be a die hard boxing fan.




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If you never laced up a pair of gloves I don't really think you have any idea of what it takes to be a fighter. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. 

The funny thing is that these UFC fighters probably have more ability to have a conversation about the topics discussed here, then most of you would be able handling a couple of rounds in a full contact fighting gym. 

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