
Single Electron Universe

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This idea of One Electron Universe is mid blowing, and out there, and crazy cool!  I dont know how plausible it is, but it sounds interesting to ponder.


P.S. I wasn't sure which board is best for a  science related topic in discussion board, so i chose consciousnesses. 

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13 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Samra Awesome.  In Truth, no resistance.  

hmmm. You  mean you have experienced this? You think there is some truth in there? Elaborate please <3 

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The one electron universe is sick to think about, and can be generalized to all atomic and subatomic particles (I think). The odd thing about these “tiny” particles is that unlike rocks or billiard balls, they all seem to be exactly identical (other than the space and time they are located, and some quantum descriptions). Every electron, as far as we know, is a perfect copy of every other electron (the same is true about every proton, quark, gluon, etc). This is totally unlike our human experience where no two things are perfectly identical. (It’s also one argument for why reality is virtual).

The general consensus among physicists is that this is simply an interesting, yet untrue, idea. However, it proved to be an extremely useful way of thinking about things, as it helped Richard Feynman come up with his famous Feynman Diagrams 


by viewing anti-matter as matter traveling back in time (like how the one electron is a positron when traveling back in time). 

The Feynman Diagram’s simplified the extremely rigorous calculations needed to calculate Path Integrals (which are fucking insane). These Path Integrals basically treat a particle moving from point A to point B (or performing any action), as the particle traveling every possible path from point A to point B, of which there are... wait for it... INFINITELY MANY. It shatters preconceived classical notions of a particle simply moving from here to there... nope, particles go from here to there and they go from here to the other edge of the universe and loop de loop back and hit up the club and then go there, and everything else it could possibly do, all at the same time. 

Here’s another sick video on the one electron universe: 

This channel is fascinating. It’s completely mainstream, conservative physics. And yet it is completely mind-blowing and shatters our common sense views of reality. 

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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2 hours ago, Samra said:

hmmm. You  mean you have experienced this? You think there is some truth in there? Elaborate please <3 

One electron without resistance could appear as every electron. 



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All is possible.


Just another movie out of the infinite movies there can be.


But one Truth exists. > All is Illusion < 

And the electron universe is one of the illusion

Love Is The Answer

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1 hour ago, SoonHei said:

All is possible.


Just another movie out of the infinite movies there can be.


But one Truth exists. > All is Illusion < 

And the electron universe is one of the illusion

True. Really, there isn’t even one electron. Electrons are just mental constructs used to model patterns and regularities. 

Really, there is no such thing as a thing. Only Nothingness and its infinite possibilities, relationships, distinctions.  

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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1 hour ago, InfinitePotential said:

Really, there is no such thing as a thing. Only Nothingness and its infinite possibilities, relationships, distinctions.

@InfinitePotential nicely said!


Love your username too. Amazing how you posted this :)

Love Is The Answer

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To me, it seems that we are using the "all is possible, infinity, the Truth, all is illusions, nothingness, ... " to shot down the wondering. Isn't the point to be in the state of Not-knowing? When you shot down a sense of wondering by saying everything is possible and it's all nothingness , in fact you are refusing to admit that you just don't know. That's another way of saying : I already know all the answers. 

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5 minutes ago, Samra said:

To me, it seems that we are using the "all is possible, infinity, the Truth, all is illusions, nothingness, ... " to shot down the wondering. Isn't the point to be in the state of Not-knowing? When you shot down a sense of wondering by saying everything is possible and it's all nothingness , in fact you are refusing to admit that you just don't know. That's another way of saying : I already know all the answers. 

Infinity wouldn't be infinity if it excluded something.

All is possible is not making a definite claim of something being present in our experience of reality though.

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Electrons are consciousness. Just like everything else.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura This is Off topic but I don't know where else to post it. Can you maybe think about restructuring the blog it's becoming hard to find stuff on there.

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5 minutes ago, Shadowraix said:

Infinity wouldn't be infinity if it excluded something.

All is possible is not making a definite claim of something being present in our experience of reality though.

I get this statement. I'm just saying we are using it everywhere now as an excuse to shut down wondering. It's almost religious. I grew up in an Islamic country. And that's what most people used to say for things they didn't know all the time: 'only god knows all the answers." And that was the end of conversation and wondering. Using the "every possibility is infinite" sounds the same to me. It's an ending statement.

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10 minutes ago, Aimblack said:

@Leo Gura This is Off topic but I don't know where else to post it. Can you maybe think about restructuring the blog it's becoming hard to find stuff on there.

How do you want it structured?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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9 minutes ago, Samra said:

I'm just saying we are using it everywhere now as an excuse to shut down wondering.

I don't see this at all. Having such a reply doesn't inherently imply a lack of wondering just because it might not be directly expressed in the post.

This seems to be an assumption of intent.

Edited by Shadowraix

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@Leo Gura Searchable tags on each post would be cool but that would be a lot of work I guess. So putting each video in a rough category would be enough I think.

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@Samra Electrons are concepts. Notice this.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I'll try and notice that. I though it's an interesting hypothesis, for science.

@Shadowraix maybe that's just my stage orange hating on stage blue kind of thinking. I'll try and move on, so I can move up the stages. Thanks.

Edited by Samra

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