
Funny Actualisers

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It’s funny seeing the problems people think they have...

Which is therapeutic to me because it put all my problems into perspective... it seems that a lot of the time we want stuff that we don’t have which means we forget about what we do have... And really we do have everything we TRULY want- I believe that the emotions that rappers have about living a luxury lifestyle for example are all dormant in us right now... We can bask in the beauty of how nature designed the tomato and that can be extremely pleasurable ? But personally I wanna balance Being with Doing, because I don’t wanna be staring at cut up fruit all day I do want sex, money and status ?


After all, we have all experienced the bliss of pure experience before from our infancy, so I like to remember that often...


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My take on it is that a lot of focus within self-help is on 'healing'. 

Well shit we all got hurt at some point. Just get on with it. It's like that American football saying: "Are you hurt, or are you injured?!!". If you are not injured then just suck it up and get on with it. 

Too much 'healing' leads to paralysis by analysis. I want to get shit done. 

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Your laughing at yourself and smiling because You don't feel left out. When You see everyone here has the same symptoms, it makes you appreciate people, love them, laugh when they act arrogant because you are conscious of their problems which they are unconscious of. It somewhat healing. It puts in position of self-love and path of pursuing the ultimate universal love which is the stillness and timeless presence in the moment, the godly value of presence free of the mind and its methods(analysis, talk, dialogue, debate, insults, synthesis, symbols, chatter, gossip, hate, desperate, past, future, time, worries, fears..etc.). Usually you see rich people, who have a lot of material wealth, after acquiring wealth and enjoying it, they end up on spiritual path while they leave their material wealth behind(foundations,inheritance to their family members, investment in other countries, programs) while poor people follow material wealth and hollowness that rich people left behind and no longer feel the high from the money. Pursue this timeless presence in the moment of complete silence and flow that is worth more than the material wealth of the entire world, and you will have the world at your hand.

"Whatsoever is on it (the earth) will perish. And The Face of your Lord Full of Majesty and Honour will remain forever❤️" Quran: Surat Ar-Rahman (The Merciful)

"We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient"?Quran: Suratal Al-baqarah (The Cow)


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It sounds like you went to the Turqoise page on spiraldynamicsintegral.nl and are using the terms you saw there.

"putting things into perspective"

"balance being with doing"

I have permanently locked myself out of my account to force myself to focus on my work. Goodbye.

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On 06/10/2018 at 3:23 PM, Davo124 said:

It’s funny seeing the problems people think they have...

Which is therapeutic to me because it put all my problems into perspective... it seems that a lot of the time we want stuff that we don’t have which means we forget about what we do have... And really we do have everything we TRULY want- I believe that the emotions that rappers have about living a luxury lifestyle for example are all dormant in us right now... We can bask in the beauty of how nature designed the tomato and that can be extremely pleasurable ? But personally I wanna balance Being with Doing, because I don’t wanna be staring at cut up fruit all day I do want sex, money and status ?


After all, we have all experienced the bliss of pure experience before from our infancy, so I like to remember that often...


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Seeing to the point of choosing blindness


We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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@Davo124 Don’t forget that there’s a process that people have to go through in order to reach a certain point in their personal development. A girl who was raped as kid by her uncle and beat by her mom is going to have a lot of psychological issues growing up so she can’t just simply “bask in the beauty of how nature designed the tomato.” She would have to go through several years of reconditioning her mind in order to possibly even get to that point. Her problems seem as real to her as her hand is.

So its not that simple for most people and talking about it doesn’t make anyone any more conscious than anyone else.

Edited by 7thLetter

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." - Albert Einstein


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On 10/6/2018 at 9:23 AM, Davo124 said:

It’s funny seeing the problems people think they have...

Which is therapeutic to me because it put all my problems into perspective...

There are an infinite number of perspectives. I would be cautious about assuming you now have the "right" perspective. I have a habit of doing this myself. It leads to a contracted view and inhibits a holistic view.

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