
Shadow Work Book on the Book List

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After looking shadow work up online and instantly finding the concept very insightful so I ordered the book from the book list. I expected exercises that help me to learn more about myself and go really deep into the wirings of my ego.

Im about 100 pages in and Im really dissapointed with it, barely ANYTHING in this book is about shadow work. It only talks about all the spiritual concepts like ego, religion, enlightenment and the author really drags this stuff out and repeats himself a lot. The exercises boil down to affirmations and just being more loving to other people and for some reason the author really wants you to join alcoholics anonymous. This is just a really generic new age book.

Anybody know where I can find what Ive been looking for?

Edited by MM1988

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I have read just a little bit of it, and it looked to me like there were plenty of practices to be done on shadow work.  Like journaling about what you like and dislike about others, and how you yourself may have these qualities.

If you're not liking it, check out EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).... It's not purely for shadow work, but it's an amazing tool to optimize your emotional health.  It deals with acknowledging negative emotions, pains, issues, etc, as well as parts of your self you may tend to suppress or resist (your shadow side), bringing them to mind, and releasing the unhealthy aspects of them.  

A great analogy for EFT is that we are all blocks of marble, with beauty and excellence hidden underneath (like Michaelangelo's David), and all we must do is chisel away at the parts of ourselves that we've picked up through bad programming and past experiences, and that don't serve us.  And upon doing that our true, authentic, most healthy and empowered selves are revealed.

Here's a great intro to EFT that's specifically Shadow Work (this guy has a ton of videos on all kinds of things you might be dealing with)... just follow along and tap where he taps and repeat what he says (and feel the words):

Now just doing that above 8 minute exercise isn't going to fully integrate your shadow side.  But doing it does bring some immediate relief from negative emotions, and perhaps more importantly can bring to your attention deeper issues and root causes of any negative feelings and emotions, so that you can work on those too.




Also sounds like Leo is gonna release a shadow episode sometime relatively soon so I'll be very excited to check that one out.

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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the completion process by teal swan: very concise, straightforward and it works

Waking the Tiger: healing trauma: its a book mainly for healing anxiety/ptsd/and other mental disorders but it works in the same way

The Work by Byron Katie: another classic shadow work book


Edited by moon777light

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I second loving what is by byron katie and  another one I'm loving is sedona method both are simple that's why after a while you find yourself just using them without thinking much about it. I've also heard good about taming your gremlin.

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@Aimblack I have sedona method but its just about accepting the emotion, you dont really dig into it right? Im not searching for a relief I want something like therapy on myself to get to the bottom of my psyche.

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@MM1988 Oh I see then those books might not be what you are looking for because their point of view is that you don't need to get to the bottom of your psyche to rid yourself of the shadow.

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Go search on Goodreads, just type in shadow work goodreads in google and see what comes up

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@MM1988 my bad, I don't have the book list but it's the only book on shadow work that I know of..... 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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