
NoFap advised for young people?

41 posts in this topic

NoFap increases the level of testosterone which is necessary for accomplishments.

However, if you don't masturbate, you have two options.

  1. Wet your underwear someday
  2. Or, have sex with someone before you do

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@CreamCat I think you can understand that I can't just have sex right now. I will go with trying to minimize it to once per week.

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A lot of blue here..

Don’t listen to these guys telling you it’s not normal. It’s a part of being a teenager and completely natural, don’t be ashamed. 

As for testosterone, studies have shown that masturbating once a week give you a spike in testosterone on the 7th day. But it’s almost nothing so i wouldn’t worry about it. The nofap movement is more a placebo effect rather than actual increase in testosterone.

If you decide to try it you should try getting off once a month or so to reduce your risks of prostate cancer. 

Edited by Andreas

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1 hour ago, Andreas said:

A lot of blue here..

Don’t listen to these guys telling you it’s not normal. It’s a part of being a teenager and completely natural, don’t be ashamed. 

As for testosterone, studies have shown that masturbating once a week give you a spike in testosterone on the 7th day. But it’s almost nothing so i wouldn’t worry about it. The nofap movement is more a placebo effect rather than actual increase in testosterone.

If you decide to try it you should try getting off once a month or so to reduce your risks of prostate cancer. 

45% increase in serum testosterone is non-significant?

Can you provide evidence for a causation between masturbation and reduced risk of prostate cancer?


What makes you think the Nofap movement is a placebo effect, and why do you think testosterone is the only significant change that takes place when abstaining from pornography and masturbation? 


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NoFap increases brain's sensitivity to testosterone. Ejaculation decreases it.

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Dont you guys, that are justifying fapping, realize, how much of your energy do you invest, when you masturbate? I used to think its normal, but I just became neurotic and tired from doing it. Now I feel happy and strong. Try it yourself, fap twice in a row, its almost impossible. 

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26 minutes ago, Scholar said:

45% increase in serum testosterone is non-significant?

Can you provide evidence for a causation between masturbation and reduced risk of prostate cancer?


What makes you think the Nofap movement is a placebo effect, and why do you think testosterone is the only significant change that takes place when abstaining from pornography and masturbation? 


Yes, but we have receptors downregulating and upregulating to maintain homeostasis, so we don't really get anything significant out of nofap.

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A quote from quora:


NoFap is absolute bullshit. It makes no sense whatsoever. It spreads horrendous lies all in the name of sex-negativity. It shames masturbation and sex. It is also rooted in toxic masculinity, homophobia, and horrendous misconceptions about the human body and human sexuality.

There are tons of videos all over the Internet attesting to the purported benefits of abstaining from masturbation. They include:

Increased muscle growth.

Increased mental strength.

Increased testosterone levels.

Reduced anxiety or sadness.

Stronger masculinity.

Becoming more attractive to other people / attracting more potential sex partners.

Social acceptance—bullying will stop.

Increase in confidence.

Increase in energy.

Cures erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

None of this is true. Masturbating has no effect on muscle growth. It’s effect on testosterone levels is minimal and temporary and if anything, sexual activity causes a rise in testosterone. Though, this rise is likely to be brief.

If a person has an anxiety disorder, refraining from masturbation will not cure it nor will it serve as sufficient treatment. People with mental illnesses need treatment from trained professionals who can provide therapy and medication. Further, masturbation is known to be a stress-reliever for many. Abstaining from it is unlikely to make you any happier or less stressed.

Masturbating will also have little to no effect on your attractiveness, social acceptance, confidence, or medical conditions. How it would affect any of these things, I do not know.

If there is an effect, I would venture that the effect is the opposite of what NoFap claims. One such example:

It is ironic that many proclaim NoFap can cure premature ejaculation as many have reported that masturbation edging techniques have helped them learn how to last longer in bed. Masturbation itself can help treat premature ejaculation, in some cases. Refraining from masturbation may actually worsen a case of premature ejaculation.

One video on NoFap stated that masturbation makes men weak and feminine. Masturbating does not make you weak nor feminine. Masturbating is neither a masculine nor a feminine activity—both men and women engage in masturbation. Further, lumping the terms “weak” and “feminine” together is offensive as it suggests that women are inherently weaker than men—morally and mentally. This is not true. Men and women are of equal value. Both are capable of strength. This line of thinking—that masturbation is feminine and weak—is factually incorrect and sexist.

The explanation for how masturbation reduces your masculinity is comical. One video explains that when you masturbate, you release sperm. It states that sperm is a defining characteristic of masculinity—women cannot produce sperm. Because of this, sperm is the essence of our masculinity. Now, when we masturbate, we lose our sperm and thus our masculinity.

But this explanation is nonsense. First, it is factually incorrect. Sperm is regenerated constantly in the body. There is a cycle of sperm regeneration that is always ongoing. A man cannot simply run out of sperm. Second, it assumes that masculinity is an important concept that must be held onto. This isn’t true. Nobody needs to be masculine.

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1 hour ago, Andreas said:

Yes, but we have receptors downregulating and upregulating to maintain homeostasis, so we don't really get anything significant out of nofap.

Have you actually read the article yourself? 


Can you provide proof for the claim that we do not get anything significant out of nofap? You are basically throwing around baseless claims, how do you know that the regulation of receptors makes increases in testosterone from abstaining from orgasm insignificant?


By the way, from a perspective of someone who does do nofap everything you say seems laughable anyways because we ourselves directly experience all the benefits, though I think it's beneficial to expose reactionary positions like yours to people in this forum. You are acting like an atheist trying to disprove non-duality. 


Just read what you have quoted from quora, there is not a single sound argument in that entire paragraph. It's all basically "It cannot be true because I don't understand how it could be true!".

Edited by Scholar

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I am having a direct experience with the benefits of nofap, it is no bullshit. I wasnt getting most of these benefits without nofap. Masturbation is just a short term pleasure and it will make everything else seem boring, because your average dopamine levels needed for satisfaction will be huge. If you have this problem, you cannot do the Work or pursue your life purpose, it will just be boring as hell and you will keep the masturbation routine, until you realize, that its nonsense. Do you think that someone like Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Arnold Schwarzenegger or Elon Musk even have the time to fap? It takes you 10 minutes that couldve been used to anything else, including having sex, which will do the job of releasing sperm, if you erect in the first place.


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NoFap is heaven if one does it the right way. 

Because only nofap will create cravings, so learning Tantra, grounding and in-jack will stop one for searching outside or even better if you have a partner of the opposite sex to practice bonding. 

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1 hour ago, Scholar said:

Have you actually read the article yourself? 


Can you provide proof for the claim that we do not get anything significant out of nofap? You are basically throwing around baseless claims, how do you know that the regulation of receptors makes increases in testosterone from abstaining from orgasm insignificant?


By the way, from a perspective of someone who does do nofap everything you say seems laughable anyways because we ourselves directly experience all the benefits, though I think it's beneficial to expose reactionary positions like yours to people in this forum. You are acting like an atheist trying to disprove non-duality. 


Just read what you have quoted from quora, there is not a single sound argument in that entire paragraph. It's all basically "It cannot be true because I don't understand how it could be true!".

Didn’t read it. Just heard it and needed to provide proof. Did some research on this before. 

By the way. If you want to convince someone who is asking a question, do not express your point of view to them and get mad because they don’t agree with your explanation. I think you are the one being reactionary. Instead of trying to ‘expose’ people like a bully, explore the other parts perspective. It would help people take you more seriously. 

How do i know? Common sense. Did you know most SSRI drugs don’t pass the nocebo-effect in studies? I don’t see how this is any different.

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NoFap and In-jack can boost an average man to Superman.

This is not a claim, i'm living proof of this. 

Comment and debate as much as you like, until you don't go the hard way and do it, has no point what so ever. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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Many people stress the point to become aware of your body and mind and relax. Try to fap with full consciousness, I mean seriously your full consiousness. It is almost impossible if you are honest with yourself.

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13 minutes ago, bejapuskas said:

Many people stress the point to become aware of your body and mind and relax. Try to fap with full consciousness, I mean seriously your full consiousness. It is almost impossible if you are honest with yourself.

5 hours ago, Andreas said:


You can until the end if you're still addict, but if you stay conscious while and after ejaculating, like 100% conscious, no way you can say to yourself:

«worth it, totally normal, nope I feel awesome !»


Edited by Shin

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On 5/10/2018 at 9:24 PM, Ampresus said:

Hello everyone. I wanted to ask a question for those who are all in for NoFap. I am very young and wonder if anyone would advise me to really get into it. Whenever I read about masturbating regurlarly, all I could see were people who said it was natural. Because I am young I am full of hormones and I can't surpress it. I tried quitting, kept getting back on it after a few weeks.

I suggest you quitting porn, not fapping. Quitting porn will reduce the amount of the fap you do, I can guarantee you that. From that point, you can decide if you want to quit fap totally, or not. For my taste I try to fap the least as I can, since it really affects my energy levels and my motivation through the day. But until you learn how to channel and use the energy and "mania" that abstaining from masturbation gives you, it might be quite uncomfortable until you adapt.

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Nofap is a meme. But excessive masturbation can become a problem.

However I highly recommend Noporn.

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Can someone tell me, why do you keep justifying porn? Have you actually experienced the benfits of no-fap? It just seems like a sign of neuroticism.

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Nofap is moralism for most people and creates shame and guilt. It’s pretty stupid 

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