
I Think I Might Be Coming Out Of The Madness

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I do, do nothing meditation as much as I can throughout the whole day

Let the mind do what it wants and I'm facing all my fears

From the phobia of typing to someone on steam and being rejected

To the thought that I have the power to bring death to others with my thoughts

I'm facing the Karma principle, and I feel... all these things are fear tactics to keep me in control

To my mind attacking my own daughter, and than letting in the pain and resistance of not wanting to hurt her

I let it all flow through me.. like ...Bruce lee said.. Be like water my friend! I THINK I GET IT NOW THANK YOU BRUCE <3 

Whatever comes about I let it be

I even let the fear in like a helpless child, and it comes in, than goes away, than I feel this release of tensions from within

I think one way to reach inner peace now is to let the mind say what it wants about anyone or anything


I will continue to do this and report my results


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5 hours ago, DizIzMikey said:

I let it all flow through me..

Hey man, sounds like good progress to me. Keep it up. What eventually develops with "Do Nothing" is a kind of inner understanding, a knowing that is present all of the time and always remembers you that all you think, see and hear are just games. Or let's say, that how you still perceive these things are games.

With this knowing inside of you - you can even reach a point where you are completely fucked and you secretly begin to enjoy it, because you can see right through it. And especially with fear or other strong emotions. It can be amazing to experience that and is paradigm-shifting.

Also, when you "Do Nothing" long enough and manage to let your brain flow as it flows you finally get out it and to a stage where everything seems kind of rhythmic. It's strange because you normally don't experience that throughout the day because one is so identified with his thoughts. But when you let go and they stop or you "get away" from them and are left with what is before your eyes, everything kinda feels like playing like a child.

It's really fun, everything becomes a little bit like a joke to you but also like pure magic and you start to wonder why nobody values that.

Anyways, good job for you B| 

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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